A New Little Witch

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May 2, 2001 Evanora Zara Snape came into the world. It was not lost on either of her parents that she decided to make her appearance early and on the anniversary of the defeat of the dark lord, the day that almost took her fathers life. That day was always difficult for Severus. The snake seemed to haunt him. She was in his dreams and every morning when he looked in the mirror the scars she left on his body looked back at him. It was another date that would always be burned on his soul. Life was strange. He always felt life used him as it's punching bag, and for the most part it did. It was true he made mistakes. Terrible mistakes that he paid dearly for. But here was life giving him the most precious gift one could imagine. Life was erasing the pain and replacing it with something Severus would have never dared to dream of. May 2nd would now be the best day of his life instead of the most terrifying. Then there was Hermione. His dear beautiful Hermione who meant the world to him. There were no words that could convey how he felt about her. It was something beyond love. Holding their daughter also made him realize if the enchantment that made them conceive could not be controlled he no longer cared. He would hold 1000 Evanoras' and he would give everything he possibly could to them.

Hermione woke to find Severus rocking their daughter in the chair they placed in their room. He held her against his bare chest keeping her warm. He seemed lost in his thoughts. Severus never put Evanora down. He was constantly holding her and only gave her up if he was working or it was time for Hermione to feed her. He even held her through meals. The students got a great kick out of seeing their Head Master that once terrified them turn into a teddy bear. A tall somewhat scary teddy bear who only wore black. But a teddy bear none the less.

"She's making that face again." He grumbled. "She's hungry."

Severus got up and passed their little dark haired beauty to Hermione. He crawled back into the bed with his two girls. He held Hermione and watched her nurse their little one while petting the soft curls on Evanoras' head. Hermione looked up at Severus.

"I'll be glad when schools out so we can get back to the cottage. It will be nice, just the three of us."

"It won't be long love. The end of year feast is only a week away."

"I know, and everyone has been so wonderful but I want you both all to myself. Is that selfish of me?"

Severus kisses her forehead.

"You're asking the wrong person." He smirked. "I've never been one for the company of others."

"Yes, well about that. Ginny and Harry offered to watch Evanora while we work on the potion."

"Won't Ginerva be busy with quidditch practice? Beside that, we don't need a babysitter, Evanora can watch her parents brew."

"Severus. She cannot sit in that rickety shed with us. It's too dangerous."

"About that. I've taken the liberty of having it refurbished. Along with a few other things."

"Oh? What other things."

"Evanora's nursery. And the back garden. She needed a proper room and we needed a proper garden...for the wedding."

Hermione's heart started to pound. She turned to face Severus while the baby still nursed from her breast.

"Did you say for the wedding?" Tears in her eyes.

Severus placed his hand on her cheek.

"If that's alright love. I thought we could have a small wedding over the summer break. Molly and Minerva have offered to organize everything and Pamona has been working on the plantings in the garden. All you have to do is say yes."

Hermione could not speak, tears rolled down her cheeks as she nodded her head yes vigorously. 

Severus embraces and kissed her trying not to squish the baby. Hermione finally caught her breath.

"Yes. Yes I will marry you." She hiccuped.

Just then Hermione winced and the baby let go of her nipple. Severus took her from her mother and placed her in the bassinet where she was already fast asleep. He made his way back to bed and pulled his witch to him.

"You've made me very happy." He quietly said into the tangle of curls covering her ear. Hermione ran her hands over his torso and around his back.

"I love you Severus."

The two fell asleep in one another's arms.


The end of year feast took place and the children were safely on the train heading home for the summer. Severus and Hermione would stay at the castle for a few more days to wrap things up before heading to Wales.

Once they were back at their cottage Hermione felt like she could breath again. It was time to relax and enjoy her little family and look forward to the small gathering of friends that would be here the following week for their wedding. Severus was not fully honest about the "refurbished" shed. It was practically rebuilt and twice the size. From the outside it looked like a tiny garden shed with little window boxes and shutters but the inside had everything a potioneer could dream of. He even had a space for Evanora that had a half wall built around it so they could watch her and she would not be in danger of getting into anything.

Professor Sprout had stopped by the following day to check on the garden. It was absolutely stunning. The cottage already had a decent size stone terrace but Pomona surrounded it in beautiful flower beds. She instructed Hermione on a watering schedule and assured her with a little magical help everything would be in bloom for the wedding. Most of what was planted was a moon garden. The wedding would be held at twilight and the white flowers would glow in the evening and through the night. Molly and Minerva also stopped by to go over the final arrangements for food and music. Hermione really didn't care what they had selected. She was just happy that she and Severus were getting married, but she very much appreciated everything they were doing for her. It had been a very uncomfortable pregnancy and now with the baby her hands were full. Grateful was an understatement.

Later that evening after Hermione put the baby down she went to their bedroom and pulled a large box from the top of the wardrobe. She placed the box on their bed and stood there staring at it. Severus walked by the room and noticed her standing there looking at the box.


She turned to look at him but said nothing.

"What's wrong?"

She looked back at the box.

"It's the dress my mother got married in. It's just a simple little garden dress and she gave it to me when I turned 16. Since my parents can't be here I thought if I wore her dress they would be with me." She buried her face in her hands and began to sob. Severus wrapped his arms around her and tried to soothe her.

"They're with you love. Even if you decide not to wear the dress. They're with you."

"That's just it. They're not with me. They don't know I ever existed. Can you imagine if we never knew we had Evanora?"

Severus could not argue with her reasoning. He could only try and comfort her.

"Your parents had you for 19 years and they would have wanted you to be happy. It would be a beautiful thing for you to honor that time you had together by wearing the dress or finding another way to include them if that's too difficult for you." He kissed her lips. "Hermione, you know they wouldn't want you to be this sad and you did a beautiful thing for them. They are healthy, they have each other, and most importantly they are alive because of you."

Hermione held on to him and nodded. She knew he was right. But she decided wearing the dress was more than she could handle.

"Severus? What if we light a candle for them during the ceremony? Maybe it can be for your mother as well."

He kissed her forehead. And looked down at her.

"I think that's a lovely idea."

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