Chapter 12

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"Good morning, dear Rowan," Cedric grinned at me as I approached him standing on the front lawn. He was dressed more casually than he normally dressed without having a fancy coat on. But he still wore a tie and ultra-shiny boots.

"Good morning," I smiled back at him. "What are we doing today?" I asked and took the arm that he offered.

"I thought we might go to the beach," he said.

I stopped walking and looked up at him. Did he know that's what Finn and I were doing tomorrow? Was he mad at Finn still? Was he testing me?

"Or... we can walk around here and the garden more?" Cedric offered as he saw my expression. "I just thought after your... um... rough day yesterday we should take it easy and not do too much. But that can always be changed," he added, looking nervous now.

"No, no," I said and grabbed the lifeline. "You're right. I am still tired so a walk around here would be perfect!"

"Perfect," he repeated and looked at ease again.

We walked around the garden for a while making basic small talk. He asked me questions like what my favorite color was- red. And what my favorite foods were- strawberries, chocolate, and baked potatoes.

It was sweet how interested he was in me. I thought, according to my mother, he would only want to talk about himself. But I really did want to know more about him.

So I asked, "What's it like being a prince? Do you like it?"

He laughed once, and I looked up at him confused.

"No one has ever asked me that... If I like it. So I don't know if I've ever thought about it." He looked perplexed. "Obviously there is a lot of responsibility. And stress. But it does come with a very comfortable lifestyle. So yes, I would say I like it."

"Do you have any big ideas for when it's your turn to rule? Also, how does it work with you and Finn both being princes? Are you both going to be King?" I asked as we stopped and sat on the same bench we had before, in front of the pond.

I hope I wasn't being too nosey. I just had no idea how it worked.

"Oh, I thought you would have known. Since I was the firstborn by 12 minutes, I am first in line. Then Finneas. Though sometimes I wonder if the other way around would be better. When you ask about big ideas. That is all Finneas has," he said with a small smile.

"Really?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, he wants to reconfigure the entire wage system in the Kingdom along with the medical system. He thinks there is too large a gap between us and the lower villages. Personally, I don't agree much with the sentiment. And plan on running things the same as my father, such as..."

I had stopped listening. Did Finneas actually care about people like me? More guilt turned in my stomach as I remembered calling him a spoiled child.

"...And so like he said, 'if it isn't broken, why fix it?'" Cedric finished what he was saying.

I smiled politely up at him hoping whatever he said didn't need a response.

Cedric took my hand in his and looked at it. He drew circles on the back of it with his thumb.

"What's it like dating the same girls?" I couldn't help but ask.

He chuckled and said, "Well, we didn't think it would be a problem since before this, we had completely opposite tastes in women." He gave me a knowing look and I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Anyway, I guess it's fine because Finneas isn't serious about finding anyone, and I do get first priority as the future King."

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