Chapter 16

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"Oh my god, Raina, you would have died over this cheesecake," I dramatically fell back onto my old bed, noticing how hard it was now, with my hand on my forehead.

She giggled as she sat cross-legged on the end of my bed. My mother, who had greeted me with a warmth I had never known from her, sat on a chair beside us.

I had summarized the events of the last few weeks with enough details to satisfy my mother but knowing Raina could tell I was holding much back until it was just the two of us. Thus, she didn't push me even when she could tell I was copping out on details.

"Alright girls, you should go to sleep!" My mother stood and kissed each of us on the head. "But I know I'm just talking to the wind. You'll probably be up until the sun rises. But this old lady has to sleep. Good night, my loves. And Rowan, I am so proud of you."

My throat caught, she had never said that. Ever.

"Thanks, Mama, goodnight, love you," I said and smiled at her.

We were quiet and listened to her walk across the small living room and close her bedroom door.

"Now, the unedited version please," Raina scooted closer across the bed and put her hands under her chin.

I laughed at her. It felt so good to be with someone I could trust wholeheartedly. It was no offense to Lillian, she had been such a good friend to me and I don't know what I would have done without her. But this was my sister, my best friend. I could literally tell her anything and I knew she wouldn't think less of me or judge me.

Groaning, I put my head in my hands.

"Raina!" I whined like a child. "I don't know what to do and I'm so confused."

She stroked my knee next to her and waited for me to go on.

"He thinks I love Cedric!" I mumbled into my hands.

"Who? Finneas?" she asked.

"Yeeessss," I moaned. "I had a dream and in the dream, I actually said I loved Finn but apparently that's not what it sounded like. And then he saw this... this love letter from Cedric with this massive diamond necklace and he was upset and he left but I was passed out because I'm a lightweight and then he was gone and I couldn't tell him it was a misunderstanding and now I have to wait until I get back and what if he hates me or never liked me anyway or did like me but now doesn't?" I took in a massive breath having run out in my rambling.

"Oh dear," Raina giggled slightly but stroked my hair now comfortingly. "I think we need to start from the beginning."

I sat up with tears in my eyes but nodded. Taking another deep breath I started over. I told her all the details about hating Finn at first and fighting with him, seeing him kiss the maid, the horse ride and the tower (that I did edit a little), the talk in my room, the beach- everything. She listened closely and nodded, gasped, frowned, and laughed at all the right times. I felt so much better-getting everything out in the open. After talking it through, I felt like it was clear Finn at least liked me some and that we could clear this whole thing up. Which is exactly what she told me. Except she said, 'ohmygodohmygod he loves you!' and 'you're so stupid for worrying about this'.

"Also," Raina continued. "When you factor in what he went through with Princess Ameilla, this makes perfect sense. I mean this is kind of like his worst nightmare. To love you and think you love Cedric. It's real PTSD for him."

"Um... What?" I asked, feeling light-headed.

"Oh my God, Row! I know you don't keep up with stuff but really? Do you live under a rock?"

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