[29] Come And Get Us

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The group quickly ran into one of the chemistry rooms, their feet quietly tapping off the floor as they hurdled into the room together.

Scott grabbed one of the chairs from the room they were now in and wedged it under the Doorknob. They all took cautious steps away from the door, making themselves hidden from the view of the small window on the door.

Lydia held her hand up to her mouth to muffle her panic while they all stood still in fear.

The alphas took slow steps by the door, a low growl in the back of his throat as it walked.

Once the figure had disappeared from the door the group all let out their pent-up breaths, shaky sighs of relief was heard from everyone as Scott asked, "Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Jackson replied, "Five if someone squeezes onto someone's lap."

Allison scoffed in disapproval, "Five? I barely fit into the back." She whispered.

"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles told them as Scott moved around him, "What about this?" He lead them towards a door labeled 'rooftop access'

He pointed to the door, "It leads to the roof. We could go down the fire escape to the parking lot in seconds." Scott said to them, his hopes still high. "That's a deadbolt." Stiles sighed, angel shook her head, "doesn't the Janitor have a key?" she shifted her head between the boys. "Yeah, his body has it." stiles grimaced at the thought as it lit up a lightbulb in Scott's mind, "I can get it." He nodded.

He lowered his voice and bent towards the pair, "I can find him by scent. By blood." he whispered to them.

"Well gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Scott shook his head at stiles' sarcastic remark, "I'm getting the key." he said, now determined to save them.

Just as he was about to walk off to the others angel pulled him back, "I'm coming with you." she stated.

Stiles threw his hands up into the air. "Uh, no the hell you aren't?" he told her shaking his head. She turned back to him, "He's not going alone. Besides, the worst-case scenario...I run."

She turned back to her brother, "We stick together." Scott looked down at the girl with worry, "Angel, he's right. What if I can't protect you?" Angel smirked, "I can protect myself."

The girl walked off, watching allison come into her view. "Are you serious?" She asked as Scott caught up with them, "It's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we want to get out of here." he said.

"You guys can't go out there unarmed." Allison worried whilst Scott reached beside him to pick up one of the class's pointer sticks from the chalkboard.

Angel muffled the laugh that she was about to let out by biting down on the flesh of her bottom lip.

"It's better than nothing," Scott said defensively once he saw their faces. "There's got to be something else-"

"There is." Lydia interrupted stiles before nodding her head towards a cabinet that was full of chemicals.
"What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him?"

Lydia squinted her eyes at him, "No, like a firebomb. In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov Cocktail." she told them, showing that she was smarter than she showed.


"Molotov Cocktail." She finished his sentence like it was obvious.

Angel smiled proudly at the girl who was finally starting to show how smart she really was.

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