Chapter 16

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Dick shot to his feet, eyes narrowed and fingers twitching for weapons that weren't there. The world exploded into clamor. It was like a firework. Teenagers screeched with high pitch whines of despair. Footsteps pounded on the ceramic tile as students fled the cafeteria racing to the door as if a hellhound was on their heels. The room was feverish as people trampled over each in order to escape the mob. Dick with an authority only seen in his alter ego, whipped around to his frozen classmates, "Iida," He sharply barked startling the young man back to life, "Go into the halls and try to calm them down," the blue haired boy gave a jerky nod before he raced off into the fray. Dick pointed at the other two, he watched as their eyes snapped to his own, "you two follow him, I'm going to go figure out what's caused all this commotion," the two sweet beans gave brief nods before running off to find Iida in the wave of people. Dick took one look around the cafeteria before he spotted a window that was just barely cracked enough to let in some fresh air and to get rid of the hormonal teen smell. Dick launches himself over the planters, which he was leaning against not moments before, and bolts across the cafeteria weaving between students as he goes.

He nearly trips over a student who had the unfortunate luck of being partly trampled in the rush. Dick with hero instinct blaring crouches down to the teen and grabs them by their elbow ignoring the teen's shouts as he leads them to a remote corner. He mutters a quick 'stay put' and swiftly grapples onto the adjacent, stiff steel window before hauling it up wide enough and throwing himself outside. He makes sure to tuck his knees even if the fall did not require such acrobatics. Popping back up with style (style is a must he's Dick Grayson after all) he spirits down the field and towards the blatantly obvious crowd at the gates. He can just spot the all black ensemble of his homeroom teacher as the man stood beside the others. Dick comes to a stop a few feet behind the teachers and gives out a low whistle, "That's one hell of a beast out there," he exclaims slowing down once he notices the disturbance was simply the media's unrelenting persistence. God he hates them. They would always create tabloids about 'the darling Dick Grayson' or about how disappointing that a boy of his 'standing' was taken in by such a high class man. Such headlines were often followed by those of 'how flexible he must be' or how they 'didn't know Bruce swung that way', always revolting and demeaning. Scratch out hate; he despises the media and seemed like he wasn't the only one.

Aizawa gave a long, suffering sigh. Blowing air through his mouth making his bangs flutter in the breeze, "They are relentless," he mutters before turning to properly face his student, "But UA's security is more than capable to hand a few media fiends,"

"Well they caused enough of a disturbance that the school has become a breeding ground of chaos,"

Aizawa's brows furrowed in barely detected concern as Present Mic came bounding up, "Are the students all right?" Questions the dark figure, his eyes not so subtly scanning Dick form as Present Mic's bouncy steps switch to a slow jaunt, concern tainting his normally bright features.

Dick nods along to his teacher, a smile pulling at his lips as he witnesses his teachers' obvious distress, "I'm sure Iida got it handled, his robot chop is surprisingly intimidating," he watches some of the tension leave his teachers' shoulders at the news.

"You're right, little listener! Iida's hands could take out an eye," The excitable man leaned down to whisper the last bit as if the two were middle schoolers sharing a crush. Dick gave a snort of laughter as Aizawa looked with ill concealed fondness.

The media gave one last attempt to gain access to the school, however, the heroes easily pushed them back. Dick watched from afar taking great delight in the way the media hounds were thrown out and away from school. He could hear them howling whining about how they need an interview with All Might. Yeah right, all they needed was a respect for boundaries. The teen castes his eyes taking in the scene even more. He snorts at the one man, who was getting a light smack from Midnight's whip, due to his continued loitering. She would definitely get some bad publicity from the snooty looking report if the man's (very weak) glare was to go by. The act alerts Dick eye to the gate's mechanism. It appears as pristine and grand as it did the first day, much like the entrance to some ancient Greek building, with its white colouring and decorative trim. Yet at the bottom the walls crumbled and cracked, dusted into nothingness lost to the sands of time. Dick takes swift strides towards the building pulling his jacket sleeve past his hand and touches the closest piece of dust before carefully wrapping a sample in a napkin he had stuffed in his pocket from earlier. His teachers, noticing his unusual depurate follow shortly after Dick slips the concealed dust into his tacky pant's pocket.

Aizawa's footsteps are soft as he places a hand gently upon Dick's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze, "What have you found there, problem child?" Dick raises his gaze to stare into the confused slate eyes of Aizawa before shifting to look into Present Mic's own spring orbs. Eyes flickering between the two he returns them to the pile of ash in front him and gestures with his arm,

"This," The teachers also shift to get a better look at the remains, Aizawa crouches down to Dick's level, his own clothed hand skimming over the dust particles whilst his husband peers over their shoulders, "Now I don't know if UA is having some secret remodeling or I just found the monsters' way in," joked Dick with an underling note of concern.

Aizawa gave Dick a wonderful impression of a decaffeinated Tim before turning to husband. Having a conversation with just their eyes much like Dick and Bruce back in the early days. Aizawa stand to his feet once their 'couples' conversation was over brushing off his jumpsuit with his hands, "Good situational awareness Dick," the dark man praises with his stern façade taking home once more upon his feature, "I'll report this to Nezu but now you should run off to class," Aizawa gives Dick a soft push to get him going whilst Present Mic shoots off some finger guns in Dick's direction. With a sweet smile and a wave Dick jogs up the hill and back towards the school. His hands drifts to the tightly wrapped bundle in his front pocket patting it once to make sure it's there. There was definitely some external force enabling the media to enter the school and Dick's ingrained hero instincts were burning under his skin. Something was about to happen and he would be sure to keep everyone safe. It was his duty as the original Boy Wonder after all. 

Hello !! I just want to deeply apologize for how late this chapter is !! Ik it's an excuse that you've heard a dozen time before, but it is true ! School is a bitch and I am in a sleep deprived pain. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and can bear with me for the useable next few weeks. It's almost winter break so all the teacher are gearing up for homework/project season. With that in mind I ask you to remain patience as I mostly likely will not have anything up in the next few weeks. However, do not fear, for I plan on backlogging TONS of chapter over winter break. So I'll plenty for you afterwards in January

Until then tune into next time where we'll have a little bit of Wisp Dick !

Drink you water and all the loves !!


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