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The rest of the ride home was quiet, both Brianna and I being woken up by Coach saying if we want to go to Mexico and become drug mules to continue sleeping, causing Brianna to giggle.

I see why Brianna likes her.

They're both outrageously sarcastic.

We were now on our way home in the Uber, the atmosphere in a comfortable silence.

"You really love her, don't you?" I asked sucked. Brianna sighed shakily and nodded.

"Yeah. I do. It's eating me up inside because I haven't told her, yet." She replied.

"Wait until she tells you. I have a feeling it's going to be really soon." I assured her, squeezing her hand. Brianna shot me a watery smile, the tears streaming down her face.

"I just don't know how to cope with it. How am I going to tell my parents I'm in love with a grown woman? When we get married, what if shit doesn't work out? I'm scared." Brianna cried softly and I gripped my best friend, rubbing her arm.

"Listen..do not think about the what ifs. It's just going to eat you up more inside. I want you to love your woman in the present and just go with the flow. Don't force anything. Don't alter anything because of fear. Let it happen on its own. If it doesn't work out, that's okay. And if it does, that's even more okay. Just stick with the now and don't worry about later."

"She's coming over tonight. We're supposed to watch this conspiracy on Beyoncé sacrificing Aaliyah for fame, which I believe is true! But anyway, I'm nervous because this'll be the first time she's at my house. You know I don't like people in my personal space, Leiya." She vented and I listened. I let her speak the entire ride home and I took it all in because I know she's been holding this in for the longest time.

"Aye, piece of advice. Don't worry too much, aight? If she loves you nothin will change that, capiche?" The Uber driver stated as he pulled up in front of Stephanie's house.

"Exactly." I assured in agreement with him.

"Thanks guys. Ima go shave my coochie now, kiss Stephanie for me, bye!" Brianna exclaimed as she hopped out the car, running to her house door.

"She's something else." I giggled as I got out the car, shutting the door. I unlocked the door and walked inside, the house dark except for the stove light that was on in the kitchen. I sighed and kicked off my shoes, putting my keys in our bowl next to the door.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a plate that was covered in foil paper and a post it note on it that says 'baby' with a nice heart drawn next to it. I smiled and unwrapped it, moaning at the sight before me.

I'm guessing she had dinner at Alice's.

"Black people food. Hallelujah." I moaned as I bit into the jerk chicken that sat on the plate, not even warming it up.

"Are you saying my food isn't seasoned enough for you?"

I jumped, dropping the chicken onto the ground and turning around, clutching my chest, not even caring about the grease on my fingers.

"Jesus, Stephanie! You can't fucking scare me like that!" I hissed, sucking my teeth at the perfect chicken wing that was now on the floor. I threw it in the garbage and looked over at my fiancée who was leaning against the wall next to the fridge, her arms crossed against her chest. Her body was illuminated by the hallway light that was on behind her.

She sat in my old jersey from last year, her long legs bare and seeping from under it. Her hair was out and wild, her curls indicating she washed it in the shower.

Urban Intelligence (TEACHER X STUDENT, G X G) Where stories live. Discover now