School sucks and people are even worse Right?

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{Trigger Warning} Mikey's POV

"Mikey, hurry your ass up your going to be late!"

I winced as my dad yelled up the stairs. I finished applying my eyeliner, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

"Are you going to eat breakfast Mikey?" My father questioned

"I thought I was going to be late?" I said sarcastically with a grin. "Lets go then." My father spat back at me

We walked out of the house and I started walking to school. I dreaded starting 8th grade in a new school, why did we even have to move?....Oh wait I'm the reason I almost forgot. My mom and dad were in a toxic relationship, my mom only stayed with him for me and my older brother Gerard. She only wanted to be there for me and him as long as she could. Until my mom finally couldn't take being pushed around anymore and left, she had tried to take us with her so I could have a better life. He wouldn't let her and here I am walking to school.

"Hey faggot what are you doing here? Parents disowned you so your here coming from the orphanage?" I flinched and look around to see two guys that looked like they were in 8th grade too. I was terrified of what they were going to do to me so I started running to the school. As I turn left I realized I had went the wrong way and then I hear soft crying and tree branches breaking. The sound is so familiar and then I know what this person is doing. I run through the trees and into a cemetery and see a young boy about my age holding a bottle of pills while standing on a fence.

"No don't do it please!" I scream out and before I know it I run over to him. He looks down at me and quietly says "Why nobody wants me here and they never will" I feel my eyes watering as I was fighting off tears I choke out "Its okay I'm a misfit too, I always have been and I always will. But maybe we can be misfits together?" He smiled "Will you help me get down from here please?" I nod my head and climb the fence "We are going to talk about this later when you are comfortable. This is not something I'm going to forget I want to try and help you." I slowly say scared that I'm going to do something wrong. I reach up and pull the thick rope from around his neck and hug him. I pull away really quick and look down. "I'm sorry." I quickly say "Don't worry about it. I'm Pete" He says as he jumps down onto the ground. He stretches his hand out to help me, and I take it. "I'm Mikey." I say with a smile. "Mikey I like that name it fits you. Anyways do you go to The Way Brothers middle school?" Pete says with a small smile. "Yes do you?" He nods slowly and looks at me.

"Wanna walk together? I mean you don't have to if you don't want too." Pete says shyly "Its okay I like the company." I grab my bag and we both start walking to school. "So what do you do for fun in New Jersey?" I questioned "Well um I don't really have friends. I can't really go anywhere without getting beat up so I pretty much stay in my room and listen to music. I know its really lame but music has always been there and it will never leave." He mumbles the last part and looks like he about to cry "Pete are you okay? Did I say something?" I say quickly "Yea I'm okay you didn't do anything." He still looks like he about to cry. It crumples me inside. "Pete please talk to me. I mean you don't have to but I'm here if you need someone." I tried comforting him so I rubbed is back as we walked. "I'll try to remember that." He said trying to smile but I could tell it was fake.

The rest of the walk was quite and we made it to school. As we walked I heard of someone yell "Oh look faggot over here has made a friend for once now he won't be lonely. He won't have to cry himself to sleep anymore. Congrats little brother." I could tell they were talking to Pete. It was his brother, how could he talk to his little brother like that. "Lets go." Pete whispers and he grabs my arm. We walk to the other side of the school. "I'm going to ditch school so I don't have to deal with my broth- my bully. Do you want to go with me?" I looked him in the eyes then looked away. "Yea I will go so you have somebody to make sure you don't try to kill yourself again." I say as we walk out of the main doors on the left side of the school.

We walk to a nearby park with a little river flowing through it. Its pretty trashed but its a nice hang out when your trying to ditch school. "Petey... Oh I'm sorry I just thought the nickname fit you." I say as quickly as possible. He smiles and says "Its okay I like it." He starts walking to a bench and sits down. I walk towards him and sit next to him. "Pete, was that your brother that was bullying you?" I say slowly trying not to come off with the wrong vibe. He looks at me slowly with tears in his eyes.

I felt bad and come to think of it I didn't see my brother this morning but he probably went to school early.

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