Everything will be okay... I hope

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Mikey's POV

Pete looks at me slowly with tears forming in his eyes. "Pete you can talk to me, it's okay I won't judge you. Is he your brother?" I try to say without my voice cracking but it did. I feel myself beginning to cry too. "Yes he is kind of my brother. My mom died when I was 10 and after that my dad started abusing me and stuff, then he started dating this one girl. She and my dad got married and she has a son named Patrick and another son named Andrew. Andrew is the on who picks on me and Patrick just deserves a better life. We spend time together sometimes he normally comes to my room when everybody else is fighting. So I guess they would be my step-brothers but I feel like Patrick is blood and I wish Andrew just wasn't even at my house." He explains how he feels. I notice he is crying now. "Oh I'm so sorry Pete I-I-I didn't know." I stutter then start crying. "Shhh its okay you don't have to cry it's not your fault." Pete says hugging me. I hug back and cry harder into his shoulder as he rubs my back.

After a couple minutes of hugging Pete's phone starts ringing. He answer it and I looked at the river and fiddled with my thumbs. He hangs up and I look up at him. "Wanna come over? Patrick said I can come home and I don't want to leave you here. I nod slowly and say "Of course I will go I wanna be with you. I'm sorry I meant I like being with you as friend." I say quickly. Pete smiles at me with a light blush "Its okay I know what you mean." He then proceeds to hug me and I nuzzle my face into his neck.

We grab our bags and start walking. Are shoulders brush a couple times and I'm blushing very badly. Pete grabs my hand for a little comfort and pulls me closer to him. We walk for about 10 more minutes until we arrive to Pete's house and then I realize we only live four blocks away from each other. Then I start thinking of what Pete's dad has done to him and if he is okay. I start crying knowing I am unable to help him. We walk in and Pete turns to close the door, when he looks back at me he notices I am crying. "Are you okay Mikey?" I look at him and nod which is when he embraced me in a hug. I hugged back and cried harder. He grabs my hand and pulls away as he leads me up to his room. When I walk in I start looking around and noticing a bunch of cool band posters. That is when I notice he has a Bronco Bass in the corner of his room and I squeal. Pete looks at me "Are you okay Mikey?" I look at him "No I'm not you play Bass and I do to... I don't have my own but I can kind of play." He smiles at me and said "Yes I play bass and you do to that's sick maybe we can practice together sometime."

"Ohhhhh practice whaaaaat?" I hear an unfamiliar voice and see a figure standing in Pete's doorway.

"Hi PattyCakes this is Mikey. Mikey this is Patrick." I smile and wave over to him and he smiles back. "Anyways Pete just came to tell you I'm going to the store do you need anything?" Pete shook his head. "Bye Pete! Bye Mikey it was nice meeting you!" Patrick says as he closes Pete's bedroom door and walks out of the house. "He seems really nice Pete." I say as I start crying again..... I feel bad for Pete he has nobody that is there for him besides Patrick, his father abuses him, his step-brother hates him and picks on him, his step-mom doesn't like him. He tried killing himself. He is too perfect to do this to himself. He deserves so much better. After getting lost in my thought Pete walks over to me and wipes the tears off of my cheeks.

I smile and Pete hugs me again. I nuzzle my face into his neck and mumble "I'm sorry Pete." He places one hand on the back of my head and the other on my back. "Its okay baby boy. Oh I'm sorry Mikey." Pete says with urgency "Its okay I don't mind." I hear the crack in my voice. I didn't know if I was gay or not but I think I actually liked Pete. I know we have only know each other for a couple hours but there is something about him that's special. "Are you okay Mikey?" Pete questions as he pulls away. I nod slowly and Pete inches closer to me. He then proceeds to grab my cheek and kisses me, I instantly kiss back. I let out a little whimper of relief and Pete pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him a little harder.

We finally break apart for air. "I-I-I I am very sorry Mikey I don't know if you feel the same way about me. I just wanted to kiss you I'm sorry please don't be mad at me." Pete looks scared that I'm going to just walk out of his house. "Pete I liked that I-I-I really liked that. I think I like you Pete. I know we have only known each other for like a couple hours, but I have never liked someone this much. I didn't even know I liked guys." Pete looks at me and smiles "Mikey Fucking Way will you be my boyfriend?" I blush a bright red and my stomach is filled with butterflies. "Yes I will Pete what ever the rest of your name is." Pete starts laughing "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz |||." I start laughing at his long ass title . "Are you fucking with me Pete? Is that really your full name? Also how the hell do you know my last name?" Pete looks me dead in the eye and says "Well I'm not fucking with you that is my full name I swear. I know your last name because it is on your bag." He grins at me and kisses my nose.

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