I'm Running Away And Hiding With You

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~Pete's POV~ TW offensive slurs

We walked down stairs and Mikey yelled to Gerard, grab his keys and opened the door. He held the door for me and walked out behind me, grabbing my arm. I instantly lean into him. "Would you like me to go inside or wait outside?" Mikey questions. "Will you come in with me?" "Of course I will." He says kissing me cheek. We eventually make it to my house after sharing many kisses and giggles. "Do you want me to hold your hand or no?" I shake my head and whisper "Sorry." He smiles and hugs me. "You can keep your arm around me." He nods and we walk up to the door. I open it since it was already unlocked. I go straight to my room being as quite as I can. Mikey still has arm around me and I'm leaning into his side.

We reach my door and I open it. I see my dad standing there and I flinch. "Hi Pete where have you been?" He said getting up off my bed. "I was with a friend working on a project then it got late so I stayed there. I tried calling you and texting. I texted Patrick to let you know." "Oh I'm sorry Pete. I didn't see them." Here we go again starting off nice and sweet then it ends bad. I just nod. "Okay so I am going to get some clothes." "No Pete your staying here! Your not going anywhere with that kid. Let go of him right now!" I shook my head and hugged Mikey tighter. "No I'm not staying here you abuse me and your wife raped the fucking shit out of me multiple times and you don't fucking care! Stay the fuck away from me and leave me alone you piece of actual shit!" I scream crying. Mikey wraps his arms around me and tries to comfort. "You disappointment your fucking gay. Get your shit and leave you fucking fag!

He leaves the room after slapping me and shoving me into the wall. He slams the door as he leaves and Mikey runs over to me. "Are you okay?" I'm crying it hurt like bitch but I just nod, getting up off the floor. I grab bags from my closet and throw everything I want or need in there. I get on the floor and pull the floor boards up. I grab the wooden box and pull all the money out, throwing it into my bag. Once I have everything I grab my bags and run to Patrick's room and say goodbye. He smiles and tells me to keep in touch with him. We say our goodbyes, and Mikey and I walk to the door. "I fucking hate you child beater and rapist. Fuck you assholes see you in Hell!" I scream slamming the door. I instantly start crying, wondering where I am going to go now. Mikey wraps me in a hug.

"Mikey what if I have to leave? I can't lose you, your my everything." I say through sobs. He runs his hands through my hair and rubs my cheek bone. "I won't let you leave and I'm not losing you either. If anything you can stay with me. I'm sure my grandma will let you stay with me." He kisses me and we continue to walk back to his house. As soon as we get there he unlocks the door and we walk back to his room. I put my three bags next to his dresser. "Hey Mikey I'm going to go talk to Gerard again I'll be back." I say kissing him. I walk to Gerard's room and knock. He opens the door and smiles. "Hey do you think you could take me to the music store?" He nods and I go grab my money, kissing Mikey and saying goodbye.

Me and Gerard get in the car. "So why do you want to go the music store?" Gerard questions. "I want to get Mikey a gift." I say with excitement. Gerard nods and we then are in the parking lot of the store. I run up to the door and Gerard laughs as I hold the door for him. "Your excited for this Pete? It's just a gift." Gerard says looking microphones. "I want this to be perfect and he really wants a bass. He said he's wanted one for a while. One that's his own." Gerard just nods and I go over to the bass guitars hanging on the wall.

After looking for a couple minutes I see the perfect one. It's a black bronco bass like mine. I didn't bring my bass because I didn't want to have to carry more. After I'm sure Mikey will like, so I go to find Gerard to tell him. "Gerard! I found the one! It's literally perfect for him and I can afford it. It's only 200 dollars." I say with the biggest smile on my face. He smiles and I go pay for it.

It's already five by the time we get home since we got stuck in traffic. Gerard takes the bass to his room to wrap and put together with the other gifts so Mikey doesn't see them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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