You are perfect just the way you are<3

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Pete's POV

They inched closer to the closet door and I shook even hard and Mikey squeezed me to. They opened the door....

"Mikey, where have you been you weren't at school? The stranger said "Oh hi Gerard um I skipped with Pete I'm sorry. Why aren't you at school?" Mikey said slowly like he was nervous. At this point we weren't hugging but we were walking out of my closet. "It's fine, I played sick and decided to leave school. I went home thinking you were there because you weren't at school. You weren't there so I asked people who might have seen you and they said you were probably here." Gerard said. Mikey nodded slowly "Gerard this is Pete. Pete this is Gerard my older brother." I smile "Hi Gerard your lucky to have Mikey as a brother, he is a great friend." Oh I am lucky and its nice to meet you Pete. I assume you are a good friend because Mikey doesn't really like people. He is a little shy sometimes." Gerard said with a sly grin "Gerard!" Mikey said with annoyance in his voice "What Mikes its the truth." Gerard said back. Mikey started crying and looked away from me. "Mikey? Look at me. Its okay." I say as I walk over to him. He sits on my bed still crying, I sit next to him and put my arms around his should. He wraps his arms around me. "See your okay? Why are you crying?" I say trying to talk calmly "Hey baby bro I'm sorry I didn't know. I didn't mean to hurt you." Gerard says slowly. Mikey only nods "Well I really have to go I made plans with a guy named frank. See you guys later. Bye Mikes!" Gerard shouts as he walks away and Patrick lets him out. I close my bedroom door and go back over to Mikey and bend down in front of him.

"Are you okay Mikey? Why did you start crying?" I say lifting his chin up with my left hand. I bring up my right hand to cup his face. "Well first my brother said I'm very shy second of all I'm very emotional." He looks me in the eyes and I wipe his tears from his cheeks. "Mikey there is nothing wrong with being shy and I like how your emotional. You know why?" I say with smile "Why?" Mikey says as his voice cracks "Because that's just who you are. I can't change that and even I could I would never. You are perfect just the way you are." I lean up and kiss his forehead. "Pete? I'm not perfect. I'm far from perfect. Even if I was perfect I would be the perfect fuck up." "Michael Fucking Way you are not a fuck up and just because you don't think your perfect doesn't mean your not." I kiss his cheek "Mikey I know this is kind of soon but its true. Just because you are not perfect to yourself or other people doesn't mean your not perfect for me. Because you are. You saved my life." I smile and before he can say anything I kiss him passionately. He kissed back and out his hands around my neck.

He pulled away and looked at me. "I'm tired Pete." Mikey said yawning "Okay baby boy you can lay down on my bead." He nods and I get up and sit in my chair. He lays down and gets comfortable "Petey?" "What's up love?" I say looking at him "Will you come lay with me?" I nod and get up. Man he is adorable I think to myself. I lay down next to him and he cuddles into me with his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. He falls asleep in an awkward position since he is slightly taller then me.

I woke up to rain pounding on the window. "Yes its raining" I think to myself. Mikey shifts a little bit and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I kiss his forehead once more and close my eye. The next time I wake up Mikey is shaking really bad and crying but he is still asleep. I sit up and hold him. "Mikey wake up it's just a dream. Your safe I've got you, nothing can hurt you." I say quickly I notice his eyes open and he is crying even more. He hugs me tighter and cries into my shoulder. "Mikey wanna talk about it? Is everything okay?" I look at him and try to give a comforting smile. "I-I-I they tried to take you away from me Pete!" Mikey said in one big sob "Who baby?" "Your parents they said they didn't want to have a fag as a son so they said we couldn't be friends anymore. You had promised me you would never leave and then you let them take you away." Mikey tried looking at me but just fell into my chest. "Hey hey don't cry I swear no matter what I promise that I won't leave. I can't leave. I swear on my life." I say playing with his hair. He looks at me his face all red from crying. He kisses me softly

"I love you Pete." I love you too Mikey. Nothing can change that". I say softly. He lays back down and pulls me down. I let him cuddle into my chest and fall back asleep with him.

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