I love you but with that comes a little embarrassment

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Pete POV

When I kissed Mikey I felt something I never felt. I felt loved and I felt like he was there for me and he would never leave. I never knew I liked guys until I saw him. I thought he would never feel the same way but when he kissed back it made me happy. Mikey looked at me when I kissed his nose. "Come sit down with me Mikey." I say as I sit on my bed. He smirked at me and sat down. "I really like you but nobody can know or we will get the shit beaten out of us. I like being with you I just don't want you to get hurt." I say slowly "Its okay Petey I understand and I don't want you to get hurt either. I love you a lot." Mikey scoots closer to me and whispers into my neck "Please don't leave me, you and my brother are all I have." I hug back "I won't leave I promise."

"I'm hooooooome Pete" Patrick shouts from the kitchen "Okay we will be down in a second" I shout back. I quickly kiss Mikey knowing it won't be the last. I grab his hand and we run downstairs "Hi Pat" I say with a slight wave of my hand. "Hi Pete! Hi Mikey! Wanna watch a movie?" I look at Mikey and he nods "Yes that's cool." We all walk over to the couch and it being slightly small Mikey sits close to me. With it being 10 something in the morning Patrick closes the curtains so its dark. "Do you guys wanna watch IT?" Patrick questions " It doesn't matter to me. Mikey?" "I don't care." Mikey says while leaning his head on my shoulder

"Okay I guess we are gonna watch IT?" Patrick said I nodded and looked at Mikey and smiled it was dark but I could tell he was smiling. Half way through the movie Patrick fell asleep and I pulled Mikey on to my lap and played with his hair. Mikey put his legs on the other side of me and had his elbow on my thigh. I could feel myself getting hard and turned on and I started blushing. I don't want Mikey to think I'm a creep but it felt good. I shifted slightly and moaned softly I don't know if Mikey heard it but I think he did. He pushed a little bit onto my thigh and looked at me. "Mikey what exactly are you trying to do besides make me a sexually frustrated mess?" "Oh Pete I'm doing just that." Mikey says with a smirk

"Come here babe" I say as I get up and grab him. We run to my room careful not to wake up Patrick. "You did not just do that to me Michael Fucking Way" I whisper into his ear seductively "Oh yes I did Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz |||" Mikey said as he licked up my neck and nibbled on my earlobe. I moaned softly and put my one hand on Mikey's neck and the other on his waist. I pull him closer and Mikey puts is thigh in between my legs, giving me just the right amount of friction. Mikey pulls me over and locks my bedroom door. He starts kissing my neck "Go ahead Pete, grind on me babe." I start thrusting on Mikey's leg and moaning it feels so good. "Ahhhh Mikey uhhhh it feel uhhh!" I breath out and thrust harder. I then feel Mikey's hard-on against my other thigh, and he starts grinding against me moaning.

Mikey moves the hand that he had on my shoulder and cups the bulge in my pants. I start whining and thrust harder into his hand as he tries to pull my belt off. I laugh as he struggles and help pull it off. I undid the belt on Mikey's jeans and struggled to pull his extremely tight pants off. I manage to get them off and pull down my own. As soon as Mikey pushes me onto my bed the front door opens really loudly. Me and Mikey get up really quick and start dressing. I grab his hand and run into my closet and close the door. I hug him close to me and he hugs me back. I start shaking scared that it is my dad or step-mom. "Petey its okay I got you, you will be okay." I nod into his shoulder and hug him harder. Someone knocks on my door and we freeze getting behind the clothes in my closet. Someone Opened my bedroom door and was talking to Patrick. I heard them searching through my room and checking the bathroom. They inched closer to the closet door and I shook even hard and Mikey squeezed me to. They opened the door....

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