Breakfast and Joking around

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~Pete's POV~

I wake up not feeling anybody next to me. I lean up some more and don't see Mikey anywhere in the room. I want to go find him but I have never been here before and I don't wanna venture through his house. I finally decided that I am just going to fuck around on my phone until he comes back. I have a text from my dad, two from Patrick and one from an unknown number. My dad is just telling me that I can stay at my friends house until we have to go back to school. Patrick is telling me that there was another fight and that dad isn't there. He probably went to the bar or somewhere that I don't know of. The unknow number is kind of mysterious though.

UNKNOWN~ You never have a chance at this school but I see you are still alive aren't you another year with you at our school. Why didn't you kill yourself over the summer huh? To scared. Well I have seen you hanging out with fag boy so know we are gonna beat both of you guys up!

I didn't know how to reply or what this meant. It was probably some sick joke or something so I should just forget about it. As I get up of the bed I hear the door open and I jump a bit. It was just Mikey though. "Good morning Pete! How did you sleep?" Mikey said with excitement. "I slept well and you were next to me the whole time and that was great too. How about you?" He just smiled and walked over to me, embracing me in a hug. I hugged back and he whispered "I slept amazing." I smiled into his neck and shifted my head to look at him. I could stay like this forever. Not worrying about being hurt or beat up. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mikey pulled away. "I'm going to go check on breakfast if you wanna get ready." I just nodded. "Oh yeah let me get you some clothes that you can wear. Maybe we can go to your house and get you some clothes too." I just nodded again and smiled as he looked through his drawers and grabbed some clothes.


I had gotten ready in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eyes slowly went down to my arms and I just stood there staring. You could see the scars and recent cuts too. I sighed knowing why I had done these and when, remembering that I had attempted suicide but Mikey put a stop to that real quick. I walked out of the bathroom and looked around his room for a hoodie. I noticed a red zip up and the corner of his room so I grab it. "I hope he won't mind." I thought. I put it on and threw my clothes in his laundry bin for some reason but I just left them.

Trigger Warning is over but I will let you know if there are anymore:)

I slowly walked down the stairs worried that Mikey would be mad that I am wearing his hoodie. "What if he hates me. What if he breaks up with me or something." My thoughts are racing, stupid anxiety getting to me again. Argghh I can't do this. I break down and start crying as I continue my way downstairs. I look around and notice I am in a thin hallway with gray paint and paintings of trees and flowers hung up. I look to my left and see two rooms, one appears to be a bathroom and the other is- Oh my god Mikey's dad I almost forgot. I wonder how he is taking it.

I walk down the hall and see a living room and the TV is on. Gerard is watching old videos of Nirvana's MTV unplugged. I enjoy sitting down and watching them but I need to find my Mikey. Hopefully he won't be too mad about me wearing his hoodie. He probably won't be but then there's that part of me that knows damn well it can trigger anxiety easily. I'm still crying but I continue to look for Mikey. I make my way into the kitchen and see him preparing plates and food. I smile to myself and wipe my tears approaching him quietly. I wrap my arms around him from behind and whisper sweet nothings into his neck, and he turns around in my arm. "Did you cook all of this by yourself? It looks delicious." I state. He smiles and then I hear Gerard.

"Of course Mikey didn't make this all on his own. He is afraid of toaster so I made the toast and bacon. He made the eggs and fruit." Gerard states clearly proud of himself. "Oh well it looks really good I am proud of both of you, and hold on did you say he is scared of toasters." I'm laughing at Mikey who is now nodding. "Yea he is scared of toaster because once he was making toast and stuck a fork in the toaster." Gerard explains. I laugh even harder gripping my stomach. "I'm sorry Mikey but this is hilarious!" I say between my laughing and gasping for air. "What can I say I'm unlucky!" He says starting to laugh. Just then Gerard shouts. "Unlucky! That's complete bullshit. You took and electric heater into a shower before!" I stop laughing and look at him. He is blushing like crazy, and I walk over to him.

"Michael you took an electric heater into the fucking shower!? What the actual fuck were you thinking?!" I shout. He just shrugs his shoulders and goes to put the plates on the table. We all sit down to eat and Gerard tells stories about Mikey and Mikey tells stories about Gerard. It seems almost as if they are trying not to acknowledge that their dad is gone. Right now all that matters is that we are enjoying ourselves and sharing laughs.

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