A Scary School Day

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"Good morning Garfield Middle School," said Mrs. Sumter, the principal, over the PA as everyone began to take there seats. After Mrs. Sumter was done with all of her announcements, I then began to start on my morning work. My classroom had three rows of desks, Annabel and I sit in the third row in the back of the room right next to each other.
"Now everyone take out your science notebooks," said Mrs. Beetle, "we are going to study for your science test." After Mrs. Beetle went through the study guide, she then handed out the test. The test took about half of the class to finish but it was pretty straight forward. I then handed my test into Mrs. Beetle,
"Thank you Marshall," she said after I handed her my test, this was her normal thing to do because she didn't like it when kids just left their test on their desks. After everyone finished their test we then headed to English class.

After English we went to Math, Spanish, and then to lunch. I sat next to Annabel during lunch because she wanted to talk about what had happened this morning.
"So your mom was really mad at you this morning for no reason?" Annabel asked.
"Yes, I don't know what I did but she was just really mad," I said, "she claims I was running down the stairs really loud but I didn't think I was that loud."
Annabel looked at me very confused, "I've ran down those steps many of times when I've come over your house and those stairs aren't loud at all," she said.
"That's the same thing I thought too," I said, "I thought she was being really sarcastic at first, until she yelled at me."

The bell then rang saying it was time for recess. Annabel and I continued to talk about what had happened.
"Well if it isn't Marshall and Annabel," I heard a voice say. I turned around to see that it was Louise and Jordan trying to pick a fight yet again with Annabel and me.
"Go away, you're just wasting your time trying to make us mad," I said to them both.
"Well ain't that just cute," Jordan said trying to get me mad, "Marshall is trying defend his girlfriend." Louise and Jordan then started to laugh.
"That's enough," Annabel said trying to stop a fight from starting, "do you guys ever get sick and tired of trying make us mad." They both stopped laughing and looked at Annabel and I.
"You're going to get it this time," Louise said and then lashed out at Annabel. I tried to stop Louise, but then Jordan attacked me and I was forced to defend myself. There were no lunch parents around so we couldn't call for help. Annabel was holding out pretty well against Louise since Louise didn't know how to fight. I on the other hand was in a pickle because Jordan and I had taken martial arts together, so we each knew what the other was going to do. Jordan then managed to get me in the face and use his sharp nails to cut me.
"What is going on here," said Mrs. Sumter as she ran to see what was going on. She then saw that I was bleeding where Jordan had cut me.
"Jordan and Louise," Mrs. Sumter said after I had told her what happened with my cut, "you both have detention this afternoon, so I hope you didn't have anything planned, and both your parents are being called." Louise started to cry and Jordan gave Mrs. Sumter a disgusted look. Annabel and I, on the other hand, were just glad to see them caught red-handed.

The bell then rang and recess was over. Annabel and I both walked back to our classroom together after I gotten my cut all cleaned up.

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