An Awkward Afternoon

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The day went on as normal. The next classes we had were History/Social Studies, Literature, and Technology. After all those classes we then went back to our homeroom where Mrs. Rogers lets us finish any homework we wish to complete.

Mrs. Rogers is Mrs. Beetle's replacement at the end of the day since Mrs. Beetle has to leave at 2:30pm on Fridays. Mrs. Rogers is one of my favorite teachers though, she is the only teacher who knows that Annabel and I are dating. But then again, the reason Mrs. Rogers knows is because she's Annabel's mother. But none the less she is a really nice teacher.
"Did everyone have a good day today?" Mrs. Rogers asked with a smile.
Everyone shook there heads. "Yes," the whole class replied.
Mrs. Rogers smiled, "That's good," she said.

The bell then rang and it was time for everyone to pack up. After I had packed up to go home I decided to talk to Annabel.
"Hi there," I said as I went over to where she sat.
"Hello," Annabel said as she finished packing up. Everyone had left the room so I felt like I could talk about anything with her. "I feel bad that you had got cut by Jordan during recess," she said looking like she was going to cry.
"I'll be fine," I said, "it's just a scratch." Annabel started to shed tears. "Please don't cry," I said, "I will be alright." She then ran into me and gave me a hug. I didn't know what I should do, so I comforted her to make her feel better.
"I just don't like seeing you in pain," Annabel said still crying in my shoulder. Thinking that it was the right thing to do, I decided that would do something I'd never done. I then looked her in the eyes and kissed her. She then stopped crying and without a warning, she kissed me back. Mrs. Rogers then walked in,
"What are you two doing?" she asked. After we had told what had happened, she looked at us both with a weird look. "I can't believe that you both had told me the truth. I was expecting a big lie to come out of both of your mouths." We all laughed, knowing that she was joking due to fact that we both said we'd tell her if we kissed.
"I hope I haven't upset you," I said to Mrs. Rogers very softly.
"No not at all, Marshall," Mrs. Rogers said to me, "I'm just glad you told me the truth." And I was glad I did tell her the truth, I don't like lying to people at all.

"Do you want me to walk home with you, Marshall?" Annabel asked.
"I actually don't know if I want to go home," I said a little bit shyly.
"What do you mean, Marshall?" Mrs. Rogers asked. I then told Mrs. Rogers about what had happened that morning. "Well, that's a very good reason, Marshall," Mrs. Rogers said, "I'll call your mom and tell her you're staying over our place for tonight since you can basically bike home."
"Okay," I said, "but I'll need to get some stuff from home before I come over."
"That's fine," Mrs. Rogers said, "I call her right now." Mrs. Rogers then called my mother and she was okay with it.

I then went home and packed some stuff up, trying to avoid my mom as much as possible. I then grabbed my bike and headed to Annabel's house. Annabel was there at the door to greet me. She showed me where to put my bike, I then went inside after that.
"This is the first time you've been over my house, right, Marshall?" Annabel asked.
"Actually, yes it is," I said as took my shoes off since it had started raining and they were wet.
"So," she said, "what do you want to do?"
"I don't know, I've never been over your house," I said, "surprise me."
Annabel looked shocked, "Alright, here lets play Five Nights at Freddy's 3," she said.
"Sure, that sound likes fun," I said, and we went off to play Five Nights at Freddy's 3.

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