A Sad Surprise

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"Marshall," I heard a voice say. I awoke from my sleep to see that my mom was looking at me. "Thank goodness you're okay," she said.
"Hi.........mom," I managed to say half dazed. She gave me a hug and a kiss.
"Not to interrupt you, Mrs. Mundy," Dr. Über said as he walked in, "but can I speak to you for a moment?" My mom walked in his direction,
"Sure," she said and they disappeared from my room.

After a half hour of waiting my mom finally came back.
"So how are you, Marshall?" she asked with a saddened look on her face.
"Good," I said, "just a little bit dazed." My mom smiled and then began to looked troubled.
"I remember when Grandpa Edward was in this hospital," she said starting to get a little bit emotional, "I was very heartbroken to hear that he had died." My mom then started to cry.
"Everything is going to be okay mom," I said trying to make her feel better.
"Actually, Marshall, no it's not," she said and continued to cry.

Now what she had said was very confusing to me.
"What do you mean?" I asked very puzzling.
"Marshall," she said, "your dad I have decided that we're going to move." I was surprised,
"That's great," I said, "once I get out of the hospital I'll start packing." She shook her head,
"You're not coming with us, Marshall," she said, "you're going to live with the Rogers for the rest of your life."

"You're.........joking right," I said.
"No, Marshall, I'm not," she said, "Mrs. Rogers said that she has a spare bedroom for guests and she said she would put you in that room." I started to feel queasy as if I was going to vomit.
"No.........this can't be............," I passed out before I could finish my sentence. The only thing I could hear in the background was Dr. Über yelling for help, I never saw my mother after that.

Hello mmy fellow rreaders. I haave left you onn a badd cliffhanger with Mmarshall and Hiss family, the Mmundy's. Buut I thinnk that it's a goodd thing for yyou guys. Andd on top of that Ii havee left you with Marshall passed out in his hospital bed. But that's not the end yet.

The Author

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