You Must Be Miles

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Shortly after getting to school, I saw a bunch of kids teasing one of the new students. "I love you, Dad." Most of the students mocked. "Hey." I greeted the new kid. "You must be Miles, correct?" "Yeah, that's me." He replied. "Aren't you in my physics class?" "We haven't met formally, I'm Phoebe Parker." I introduced, shaking his hand. "You might be familiar with my dad, Peter Parker. He was an alumni here." "Hey, did you make that?" Miles asked, pointing to my backpack. "Yeah, I made it from a bunch of old T-shirt material." I replied. "I've done some drawings before." Miles said. "That's cool." I commented. "You should show me sometime." "Hey, I was wondering, since I'm new here and I don't have many friends, maybe you'd want to hang out sometime?" Miles offered. "I'd like that." I smiled as the first bell rang. "Later, Miles."

During physics, our teacher showed us a video on Olivia Octavias. The video was paused when Miles came in late, again. "Mr Morales, sneaking in the dark." The teacher said. "You're late again." "Einstein said time was relative, right?" Miles recalled. "Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early." The class was silent, except for me and another new girl, both of us letting out a small chuckle. "Sorry, it was just really quiet." She commented. "Would you like to keep standing there, or would you like to sit down?" The teacher asked, playing the video again. Miles sat down next to the new girl on the other side. "I liked your joke." She whispered. "Really?" Miles asked. "I mean, it wasn't funny, that's why I laughed." She explains. "But, it was smart, so, I liked it." "I thought it was pretty clever." I said. "I don't think I've seen you before." Miles said before being shushed by the teacher.

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