My Big Fat Inter-dimensional Stepdad

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On the news, all of New York got the devastating news of my father's death. "He is survived by his wife, Mary Jane, adoptive daughter, Phoebe, and his aunt, May Parker." I hear many reporters say.

Later that night, after the funeral, while Mom and Aunt May were paying tribute to Dad, I visited his grave, where many people paid their respects to with flowers and plushies. "Hey, Dad. I don't know if you can even hear this." I said to the decorated grave. "It's been strange without you around. God, if only you could see what the citizens have done in your honor. I probably should've asked you this a long time ago, but, how'd you do it? It'd be so much easier if you were actually here. Now, there's just me and Miles. How can I teach him to be Spider-Man if I can't figure out my own powers?" "Mind if I join you?" I heard Miles ask. "Sure." I replied softly. "Nice suit." "Thanks." Miles chuckled. "I'm sorry about your dad." "Thanks." I sighed. "I'm sorry, Mr Parker." Miles apologized. "That thing you gave us, that key... I think I really messed it up. I wanna do what you asked. I really do. But, I'm sorry. I'm not sure I'm the guy." "We can't do this without you, Dad." I whimpered. "Hey, kid." A man said, before being shocked unconscious by Miles. But somehow, that man pulled us closer. "Whoa! That came out of you!" I gasped. "What did I do to him?" Miles asked. "From the looks of it, static shock." I said as I realized a web on Miles' costume. The web was shot out of a web shooter, similar to one of my dad's. Miles found the Spider-Man emblem on his shirt. But what shocked me the most, he looked like my dad, except he was brunette like me and probably gained a few extra pounds. "Who are you?" Miles wondered. "What are you doing over there?" A police officer asked. "Freeze! PDNY!" "Crap. It's the pigs!" I gasped. Miles and I tried to run, but we were still stuck to the web. "We can't be seen now. They'll jeopardize us." Miles and I used Peter 2's web shooters to swing away from the cops. "See ya, officers!" Miles shouted, landing right where we started. "Put your hands up!" They ordered. We accidentally hit the web shooters again and the webs were stuck to a train, taking us who knows where.

As we were hanging onto the webs through the streets, the man woke up. "Oh, yes!" Miles sighed with relief. "I didn't kill you." "Who are you?" Peter 2 asked. "Who are you?" I asked. "Why are you trying to kill me?" He asked. "We're not." Miles replied. "We're trying to save you!" As Miles and I finally stopped, we had to take Peter 2 somewhere.

Miles and I took Peter 2 to his dorm room and tied him up. It's not kidnapping. We were confronting him. All of a sudden, Peter 2 regained consciousness. "Kid electrocuted me, with his hands." He said weakly. "You're both like me." "We've got some questions." Miles said as Peter 2 was struggling to free himself. "Why do you look like Peter Parker?" "Because I am Peter Parker." Peter 2 replied. "Then why aren't you dead? And why is your hair different?" I asked. "Why are you older? And why is your body, a different shape?" "Pretty sure you just called me fat." Peter 2 said. "No, I'd never call anyone fat. Especially not my dad, who's also Peter Parker." I explained. "You two don't look so hot either." Peter commented. "Most superheroes don't wear their own merch." "Are you a ghost?" I asked. "No." Peter replied. "Are you a zombie?" Miles wondered. "Stop it." Peter sighed, annoyed. "Am I a zombie?" Miles asked. "You're not even close." He complained. "Are you from another dimension? Like a parallel universe where things are like this universe, but different? And you're Spider-Man in that universe? But somehow traveled to this universe, but you don't know how?" Miles asked. "Wow, that was really just a guess?" Peter wondered. "We learned about it in physics." Miles explains. "Quantum Theory." Peter and I said. "This is amazing, Phoebe!" Miles exclaimed. "He can teach us like Peter said he would." "Before he died." Peter added. "Yeah, right." "Too soon!" I shouted. "Look, we made a promise to him." "Here's lesson number one. Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands." Peter said, untying himself and kicked the punching bag, hitting Miles and I. "Trust me, kids. This'll make you better Spider-People." As Peter tries to swing away, his body glitched like the spider did. "Oh my God!" I gasped. "Hey, are you okay?" Miles asked. "No I'm not." Peter explains. "What's going on with your body?" I asked. "I don't think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension." Peter replied, glitching again. "Look, I'm not looking for a side gig as a Spider-Man coach. I got a lot going on in my dimension. ""With great power comes great..."" Miles quotes my Uncle Ben. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Peter snapped. "Don't do it! I'm sick of it. Want my advice? Go back to being regular kids." "We don't have a choice!" Miles shouted. "Kingpin's got a supercollider. He's trying to kill us." "What did you just say?" Peter asked, climbing the wall. "Kingpin is trying to kill us." Miles repeated. "Who cares about that. Where's the collider?" He asked. "Brooklyn. Under Fisk Tower." I explained as Peter turned around. "Goodbye." He said. "Where are you going?" I asked. "When it runs again, I'll jump in and get back to my life." Peter replied. "You can't let them run it." Miles said. "We're supposed to destroy it so it never runs again or everyone's gonna die." ""Or everyone's gonna die." That is what they always say." Peter scoffed. "But there's always a little bit of time before everybody dies, and that's when I do my best work." "Aren't you gonna need this?" Miles asked, showing off the collider key. "Aw, you have a goober. Give it." Peter demands. "Wait, no. Not so fast." Miles said. "He called it an override key." "There's always a bypass key, a virus key, a who-cares key." Peter explains. "I can never remember, so I always call it a goober. Give it." "We need it to destroy the collider." I said. "I need it to go home." Peter argued, taking the key from Miles. "The collider created a portal that brought me here. And I have to get... did you break this?" "No. It broke." Miles lied. "Can't we fix it?" I asked. "No! Thanks to you, I have to re-steal what your guy stole from Alchemax and make another one of these." Peter explains. "If we don't turn off the collider after you leave, everyone in this city, my parents, my uncle, Phoebe and millions of others will die." Miles said. "And you're just gonna go home and leave us here to figure this out for ourselves? You good with that, Spider-Man?" "What are you doing?" Peter asked. "Making you feel guilty." Miles replied. "Is it working?" "How could it... No. Look at me. Does it look like it's working?" Peter questions. "Alright, you win. But we don't have a second to lose."

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