How Into The Spiderverse Should Have Ended (With Phoebe Parker)

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Peter: Alright, let's go through this one more time. My name is Peter Parker. I've had several Spider-Man movies and for the past 14 years, I've had a few How It Should Have Endeds. I jumped out of the way of some grenades, I argued with a talking lizard, I decided to become an Avenger, I even, did this.

Peter 3: I will shoot this mortal man in the face!

Peter: That one, that one got dark. I'm not gonna lie. But, hey, at least I predicted the Marvel and Sony deal! So there's that. Anyway, for years, I've always had a second chance at how it should have...

Teenage Boy: Spider-Man, will you stop narrating, please?

Peter: What. Wait. Are you that same kid from forever ago?

Teenage Boy: Yes.

Peter: Wow. Now I feel old.

Teenage Boy: You were narrating. It's still kind of unnecessary.

Peter: But it's not! Look, kid, it's kind of my thing. I narrate. I'm sorry, it's just what I...

Teenage Boy: NO NARRATING!

Peter: Okay fine, let's just see how Spiderverse should have ended.

How To Honor A Fallen Hero Should Have Ended. Act 1.

Interior: A classroom at Brooklyn Visions Academy

Teacher: Mr Morales, you're late again!

Miles: Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are just early.

Gwen and Phoebe chuckled at Miles's joke.

Gwen: I'm sorry, it was just really quiet.

Teacher: Wait a minute! You're not one of my students! Who are you?!

Gwen: Uh...

Gwen begins glitching in front of the whole class.

Phoebe: Whoa!

Student: What was that?

Fast forward to the collider

Spider-Man: Swing up there, push the key, and blow it up. There's not much time.

Miles: But we don't know how to get up there.

Phoebe: Actually, I know how we can. Dad, can I borrow a web shooter?

Spider-Man gives a web shooter to Phoebe.

Phoebe: Hang on, Miles.

Miles grabbed onto Phoebe and swung to the control panel to deactivate the collider.

Miles: Oh.

Fast forward to Alchemax

Liv: All we have to do is kill a couple of spiders, and then we can bring your family back. As many families as you want.

Kingpin: Tomorrow. My collider.

Scientist: Here's a bright idea, why don't you just do the thing now instead of giving the good guys time to stop you.

Kingpin: Good point. Not tomorrow, let's do it now. I'll see you at the collider.

Interior: Villain Pub (Where everybody hates your face.)

Kingpin: So, I got my wife and kid back.

Voldemort: Well, they're not really your wife and kid. You stole them from a different dimension.

Joker: Yeah, what if the other you gets super pissed and vows revenge?

Kingpin: That's not gonna happen.

To Honor A Fallen HeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz