Rasey (Raph x Casey)

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Warning: Contains mature content & possible triggers such as drugs, possible assault (sexual) and some harsh words. Read at your own risk

Raph's Pov:

I was having yet another one of my fights with the fearless leader. I was getting tired of him being in the way of everything I did.

Donnie and Mikey were just watching us while we fought, both of them eating popcorn.

They enjoy it?? I thought, my anger growing. I drew out my sais and sprang on Leo, trying my best to get a good hit only to be thrown off.

Leo grabbed both of my wrists. "Raphael the sooner you learn to calm down the sooner you'll get the same respect the others do. As both your leader and sensei I say that you are hereby banished from the lair until you can learn how to behave."

"Whatever, soon you'll need me Lameonardo!" I spat as I went to my room.

Donnie and Mikey plainly watched as Leo grabbed my arm. "Not so fast. You won't be needing the stuff where you're going to."

I sighed. "Get out of my way Leo..."

Leo stood his ground, narrowing his eyes.

I said nothing as I pushed past him and ran out of the lair. I immediately hurried to Casey's but the sound of moans near his window made me freeze. I quickly peeked through the window and realized I shouldn't have. There was Casey doing it with April.

I felt fury fill me. Unsure why, I broke the window and beat the hell out of both of them, growling deeply.

"Raph!" April quickly grabbed me and hugged me close. "What's wrong?"

I said absolutely nothing and just glared at April.

"What was that all about man?? I was trying to have the time of my life with my woman and here you go breaking my window?! Dude, that's gonna cost a fortune!" Casey looked at me with disapproval in his gaze.

I looked away, not wanting any of them to see the water growing in my eyes.

April sighed. "Casey, he didn't mean to." She kept hugging me. "He just wants some love and affection is all. He doesn't get it a lot."

I frowned at her. "I don't need it anyway." I tried to keep my voice bitter but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness under the bitter tone in my voice

Casey rolled his eyes. "Whatever man, just go do your thing. Leave April and I to ours before we were rudely disrupted with you breaking the god damn window."

"Casey..." April began but I just shook my head.

"Nah, he's right April. Catch ya guys in a bit." I hopped out of the window, sighing. I wish I brought my gear...

I decided I'd go to the first place on my mind: the bar. I hopped from rooftop to rooftop, making sure I didn't fall as I got closer and closer to the bar.

My brothers warned me about getting high but I wasn't intent on listening to them at the moment so as soon as I got there I ordered a solid thirty drinks which apparently turned out to be a big mistake.

Some middle aged drunk girls came over towards me and surrounded me. I blinked, my vision fuzzy. "What de fuck? Dem whores better be kissin me nuts bye cuz I ain't fuckin with dem assholes."

One of them stroked my face and grabbed my chin, trying to pull me into a kiss. I wouldn't allow it. I bucked roughly, feeling another grind against my thigh and the other rub the sensitive spot in between my legs which made my breath hitch slightly.

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