Ghostael (Ghost x Raph)

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Requested by Donatello-Girl)

Regular POV:

Mutant school was just getting out. A red masked turtle was on his way to the restroom because unfortunately his sensei was unable to pick him up for "busy working" reasons which was complete bullshit. Splinter had always made up excuses not to pick up Raphael so the turtle made a habit of using the school bathroom after school and then walking his own butt home. Of course there were people he'd have to fight because he often got mistaken for weak. But he didn't mind kicking the extra butts. Actually he enjoyed kicking butts.

Suddenly he heard yelling, hitting and slapping. He froze, quickly grabbing his twin sai. If someone was bullying some girl again they weren't gonna live to see the next day. Raph gritted his teeth. He braced himself as he went into battle. He caught a flash of terrified brown eyes and wondered why the shell Donnie was at school this late. He usually drove home in his own vehicle. After all he had passed the driving test unlike Raphael and Leonardo. Michelangelo however usually either had a ride from those two or from sensei.

Raph's POV:

I ended up putting the kibosh on those guys. Before I could even get close to the fun part, they cried like babies and surrendered themselves. I unfortunately had to let them go otherwise I'd get into trouble. But ya know me. I never let the enemies escape. Less than ten seconds later, I heard a cut off screech come from them.

I dusted off my hands and placed my sais in my belt. I looked at the turtle. "Don, what are you doing here?" I asked. But Don didn't answer.

"Hello?!" I was beginning to get irritated.

"I...I'm not Donnie." The turtle said instead.

"You've got to be serious! Don, what's with the new look?! Like come on! Even I could..." I cut myself off. I didn't wanna say what was on my mind.

The turtle instead hugged me. I hugged him back but what surprised me was the soft sobs that rocked his body. I sighed and gently rubbed the stranger's shell. "What's your name?" I asked, letting my voice grow soft.

"G-Ghost..." The turtle said in between sobs. He clearly didn't wanna talk. That was okay. For now I guess.

I took Ghost's hand in mine. "I'm walking you home." I led the other out of the bathroom and headed towards the school gates. Thankfully we were on the first floor. Glad we were. Didn't want to have to deal with the mother fucking steps.

"A-are they gone?" Ghost asked.

"Yeah, they won't be coming back." I assured him as we left through the front entrance.

"H-how do you know??" I could tell the other's anxiety was rising.

"Because they're dead." I didn't know how else to explain that. If this guy started hating me then it would be his loss.

"....You kill too huh?"

That made me blush. I turned to look at him, fixing him with a glare. "Fuck off. They would've come back if-"

"It's okay. I kill too." Ghost looked away. "I accidentally left it at home today..."

"All good buddy. Always there to stick up for ya."

"Who is Donnie? You called me that name a lot.."

"My brother. You look like him." By now the talking turtles had at least walked half a block away from the school building. "What grade are you in?"

"Eleventh." Ghost looked embarrassed when he said that. I mean I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't wanna be bullied at sixteen.

"I'm in tenth." I told him. I could tell he was antisocial and didn't often talk. So I decided to stop talking for the sake of my new friend.

Seconds passed, then minutes then hours. The walk seemed like forever until we reached a small house.

Ghost stopped walking and pointed to a house, indicating he lived there.

"Well...farewell then." I suddenly felt awkward. I didn't want him to go but I didn't have much choice. "Ghost?"

Ghost looked at me.

"I want your number."

Ghost unlocked his phone. I waited for him to pull it up and when he did I quickly put the number into my phone.

" was nice to meet you." I rubbed the back of my neck. This one sided conversation was not going well for me.

Suddenly Ghost pinned me against the wall and kissed me deeply. I let out a squeak. I wanted to pull away but at the same time I wanted it so I decided to give in. I kissed him back hungrily and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Ghost slowly broke the kiss in which I frowned. Pouted even. I wanted more. "Ghosttt~" I whined.

Ghost smirked and picked me up, looking into my eyes. "....I'm not good at goodbyes..."

My face fell a bit.

"Stay the night....?" he asked instead.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed as I was met with yet another kiss from my...wait what should I call him? Friend with benefits? Best friend? BFF? Boyfriend?

"Be my boyfriend...." Ghost panted after pulling away for the second time. It was more of a plead than a demand.

"Of course." I smiled. I loved this guy so much even though I just saved his ass from a bunch of dumbasses. I then realized that my family may be wondering where I was but that was something I could worry about later. Right now I wanted to be in Ghost's arms for the rest of eternity.

Ghost fiddled with the key and unlocked the door before he went inside. I was greeted by his family. Turns out he had three brothers just like me.

Swift, Rebel and MC were their names. Swift was creepy asf, a complete disaster of what my brother Leo was. Rebel however was kind and offered us some dinner. I of course accepted. So did Ghost for the record. His youngest brother MC was a whole different story. I couldn't even put into words how funny he was. He wasn't like Mikey. He was more of a badass new level Mikey. Chaotic, unpredictable and incredibly funny.


"I'm telling you man the freshmen this year are crazy they eat head rather than their lunches. Damn the school lunches be that bad huh? I tasted head. It ain't even that good." MC was yammering on while Ghost and I ate. It wasn't an appropriate topic for the dinner table but it was actually kinda funny.

Ghost of course began choking and I knew what he was thinking. I elbowed him rudely in the side and leaned to whisper into his ear. "You'll get some if you're a good boy~"

Ghost grunted and blushed. He didn't wanna admit he wanted to taste me which was fine. I could easily make him beg.

Rebel joined us at the table. For a while the four of us (well actually only three talked), yammered about the first thing that came to mind. It was really an interesting discussion. That is until it came time to turn the lights out.

I felt Ghost pick me up again. He carried me to a fancy room with purple walls that had lots of pictures and a nice king sized bed as well. The covers were purple for the most part and the room didn't have anything else really.

"Woah," I murmured as I felt my boyfriend set me down on the bed.

Ghost handed me some pajamas to wear. I changed into them while Ghost changed into more comfy clothes. Man, his body was so sexy. How I wanted to touch it.

He probably caught me staring but didn't acknowledge it as he laid down on the bed facing towards him.

He kissed me on the forehead as I also laid down. I felt him pull me close to him as well. "I never got your name..."

"Raphael." I told him.

"Pleasure to meet you Raphael..." Ghost murmured before he drifted off. I ended up drifting off as well.

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