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As soon as the front door cracked open, Abigail was at the entrance of the house. The silence, along with her posture, clued Arthur in to the fact something was up. He threw his wife a questioning look as he set his keys down and took off his jacket.

-Blaze is not okay-she shot out immediately, in an exhale.

Arthur's eyes grew, his skin paled.

-What? What happened?

-He told me he turned into you at school. That you caught him. He's really freaked out...

Arthur sighed pensively.

-He did do that... I had to go into the security room and delete all the footage.

-Well thought-his wife praised, before adopting a more concerned tone.- He's really scared of the consequences.

-So was Austin-Arthur reminded.-We put him in a timeout when he broke the same rule... Think we could do that?

As she thought, Abigail's lips tightened.

-Austin was very careful not to put us all at risk. He's had enough practice. Besides, Blaze's ability is much more visual. We could easily pass off Austin's as him simply talking someone into buying him something. We can't do anything for Blaze if he gets caught.

-That's not his fault, and his ability is not something he deserves to be spanked for.

-No, it's not-Abigail agreed.-It is more of a privilege Austin has. You and I can't use our abilities out in the open either. We need to teach Blaze to be careful in that regard. For the survival of all of us.

After rummaging through his mind for an argument, Arthur came out defeated. It showed in his sagging shoulders.

-I was just gonna have a stern talk with him...

That got a fond smile out of Abigail. She pulled her husband down for a kiss on the forehead.

-I know, dear-she told him.

-Do you think I spoil them?-Arthur asked, with dancing, worried eyes.

-I think you cherish them.

When the couple got to the upper level of the home, they found both boys in their room. The two sat in Blaze's bed, reading the same comic book. Austin's arm was around Blazes shoulders. The younger boy was in charge of turning the pages. Two pairs of anxious eyes raised when Arthur and Abigail walked in.

-Austin?-Arthur called gently.-Could you come with me, please?

The boys exchanged a look.

-Why?-the charmer asked, pointlessly.

They all knew.

-I need to speak to Blaze-Abigail said.

The older teenager squeezed Blaze for just a moment, before he got off the bed.

Had Abi not been a soldier, a shiver might have ran down her spine with Austin's glare. But alas, she was one, and she simply stared back as her husband escorted the boy out of the room.

-So, where do you wanna go?-the healer asked gently.

-That means she's gonna spank him, right?

Arthur hesitated to confirm, but ended up nodding.

-I don't want to leave, then-Austin decided.

The man sent Austin a puzzled look. The charmer opened his mouth to explain and the realization of how he had been acting crashed upon him. His true intentions, the comfort, the gentleness. It had all been painfully soft, and vulnerable, and suddenly he was very scared. For his image. The shell he had created, all leather jacket and mockery and bravado.

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