Love and friendship

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Cynthia maintained a warm smile during dinner and tried her best to not break down. Taehyung and Namjoon kept glancing at her but she continued to eat her food as nothing happened and even engaged in a conversation with Jisoo and Jae Wook.
The maids bring in the dessert after the took away the dirty dishes and Cynthia felt her eyes sting with tears but she managed to calm herself.

She wanted to leave to her room but Taehyung stopped her to talk, "Cynthia can we talk for some time?" Taehyung asked almost begging for her she took her hands away from his hold "no I have to talk to Joon oppa now we'll talk later" she walked towards Namjoon. "Oppa can I talk to you?" Namjoon nodded and they both went to library.

"Cynthia! I'm really sorry for what happened?" Namjoon apologized he felt guilty for her heartbreak "Why are you saying sorry to me oppa?"
"I feel like this, Taehyung is not doing right he is not in his senses, and that Seung Eun she is a total bi-" Namjoon was cut by Cynthia "Oppa stop!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide at seeing Namjoon this angry.

"We can't stop anyone from loving and Tae can't be forced to love me" she says with a sad smile.
"How can you say this Taehyung is doing wrong with you?" Namjoon uttered. "That is why I came to talk to you please don't mention what happened earlier to anyone and I also want to ask is there a way this engagement can be break so Tae can live happily with her?" She questioned him.
"No even the wedding date is announced no one can stop this wedding" Namjoon answered, he knows the actual reason for this wedlock "but why are you thinking of calling off this wedding you should fight with Taehyung and I will scold him to put some sense in him".

"Oppa he is not happy with me, he never will and it will hurt me to see him like that with me" Cynthia told him fidgeting with her dress.

"But he is your fiance show some rights on him"
"He never was mine, she had his heart even before we met"
"But I have seen warmth in his eyes for you Cynthia I'm sure he definitely has some feelings for you"
"Oppa he is my friend sure he will have some feelings but I can't say it's love"

"Anyway please don't mention it to anyone" She said and walked out to go to her room. When she entered in the room she found Taehyung waiting for her "What are you doing here?"

"Cynthia I wanted to talk to you" he had been feeling guilty, her sobs and cries made his heart ache and now her cold attitude is cutting his heart.

"Ok tell me what you have to say"

"Cynthia I won't deny what you heard but please don't judge me like this"
"Taehyung I'm listening to you"

Taehyung was in his room after the press conference he had been feeling giddy about the wedding. His mobile phone rang he furrowed his eye brows seeing Prime Minister Choi number on the screen. Ministers are not allowed to call them on their personal numbers . He received the call


Hello your highness please come to xxxx hospital Seung Eun has committed suicide please

Phone dropped from his hand when he heard worried tone of Prime Minister. Seung Eun had been his friend since childhood. He rushed to outside and drove to hospital. He was able to find them and was waiting outside with her family.
Choi handed him a letter, "she left this note for you" he told Tae.
Taehyung read the note his heart breaking into two

Dear Tae
I loved you from all my heart since we were young. The days spent with you were the best days of my life. But seeing you with Princess is really painful for me, I can not live seeing you with her that is why I'm leaving this world.
Seung Eun

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