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All the Princes were silent when Cynthia went to her chamber.
"Jeongguk! Is she ok? Does she needs a doctor?" Seokjin asked.

"Hyung she will be fine after some time" Jeongguk answered.

"But what happened to her she was fine minutes ago? We just asked her about her" Namjoon inquired.

"Hyung noona don't talk much, she gets uncomfortable with attention" Jeongguk answered still thinking whether he should tell the truth or not.

Jae Wook and Minho entered the office and sat down on the couch.
"Hyung! Cynthia is not suitable-" he was cut by Jae Wook "Minho I understand what you say but-" before Jae Wook could reason why he thinks that Cynthia is suitable to be a queen Minho cut him.
"Hyung she has SAD, she can't take this much pressure" Minho informed.

"SAD! Oh you mean Social Anxiety Disorder?" Jae Wook asked.

"Yes hyung! She can't become a queen.....I just wanted a favor to save her and this kingdom but " he stopped feeling lost at words.

"As my knowledge it's curable and I know I made the right choice" Jae Wook exacted.

"But hyung! No one in our palace knows about this, only Royal family, her nanny and Dr. Im knows that she has trouble coping her anxiety, if crown Prince is not told it will be deceiving him" Minho reasoned.

"Minho! It's going to be fine I will tell him when it's the right time" Jae Wook assured him with a small smile.

"But I'm still not convinced, my daughter gets scared even by loud noice how can she take burden of while kingdom and you also know about Chang Wook" Minho was still unconvinced.

"I'm not doing this for Cynthia but for Taehyung as well, he can never find a girl better than Cynthia just trust me" Jae Wook smiled.

Jeongguk and Hye Sun rushed to Cynthia's chamber, Jeongguk had informed Hye Sun so she came as fast as she can. When they entered they found Cynthia's head in Jiwoo's lap and she was stroking her head but the princess kept crying.

"Jiwoo what happened" Hye Sun questioned while sitting on the bed.

"I don't know Your Highness when we came back from garden I helped Princess get changed her clothes and after that she is crying, she is not even talky to me I have asked her so many times"

"Cynthia" Hye Sun said softly to get her attention she sat up and looked at her mother.

"Mo-ther it was n-not my fault" she said tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Baby I know it wasn't" Hye Sun hugged her. Jeongguk signaled Jiwoo to go outside, he also went out to call his father and told him asap.

"Ma! I di-dn't did anyt-thing" she repeated "If His Majesty know he wi-will think I did it pur-posely He....he will never b-believe me"she stuttered between her sobs.

Minho and Jeongguk entered, Minho heard her say the last sentence. "Shh! Baby I know you didn't, I'll talk to him" Hye Sun looked up and saw Minho and Jeongguk. When Cynthia saw him she sobbed even harder.

"His Maj-jesty! I swear-" "It's fine" Minho said as he sat on the edge of the bed "just calm down" he never tells anyone but his heart hurts seeing his daughter this way.

"Hye Sun! Give her, her medicine it will help her" he ordered.

"I'll get it" Jeongguk opened the drawer of night stand where her medicine is "I can't find any" he murmured to himself and checked other drawers.

"I can't find her medicine" he said out loud.

"Jeongguk call Jiwoo" Hye Sun said. Jeongguk called her.

"Jiwoo where are princess pills" Queen questioned.

"Your Highness! Her medicine finished last week, I sent someone to buy it but they were out of stock" Jiwoo answered her head hanging low.

"What are you guys even doing? Aren't you supposed to care for princess" Minho shouted which increased panic in Cynthia, she felt her throat blocking.

"Father please calm down"Jeongguk stopped Minho from scolding Jiwoo and turned to her "ahjumma please go and rest don't worry much".
He climbed on the bed from other side and hugged Cynthia who was gasping for air.

"Noona! Concentrate on me okay, nothing else" Jeongguk patted her hair and began singing Euphoria a song which he wrote and composed himself ( A/N POV I just made this up on). Minho and Hye Sun were amazed by Jeongguk's voice.

By the time he finished his song, Cynthia's breathing calmed down and her eyes began to close.

"Baby just sleep" Hye Sun kissed her forehead and helped her lie down.

"I'll stay beside her until she sleeps" Jeongguk assured his parents and started singing in his melodious voice, they both walked out still worried a bit about her.

Hey guys
How are you all doing? I hope you guys like this part. Please comment to let me know your thoughts.

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