A crashing family

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This is a sequel of the past will haunt you, Launchpad meet drake's family now it was time for drake to meet his family.

The next morning, drake was practicing walking after having a few days being in a cast all day, he was doing something simple like learning to walk down the stairs, he had a walking forearm clutches because both his legs were injured, he needed something to help him walk.

He had braces on his legs to keep him from doing anymore damage to his legs.

He was taking his first on walking downstairs, he breaths in and steps on the first step with his left foot.

Then he slipped when that first step hurt, causing more damage to his leg.

He fell.

Drake: oh no, AH

He nearly came trembling downstairs if it weren't for Launchpad catching him.

Drake/launchpad: whoa

Launchpad: DW are you ok

He looks up to see that he's fallen into Launchpad's arms, he smiles as he felt safe being in Launchpad's muscular arms.

He helps him up and guilds him down the stairs and as he step down at the last step.

He felt a pain in his right leg and he falls again.

Drake: (in pain) AH

Launchpad held on to him, he looks up and they both smiled as Launchpad grabbed his beak to make him face Launchpad.

Launchpad: you okay DW

Drake: ugh, I'm fine Launchpad

Launchpad held his hands as he helped him up again.

He continued to walk into the kitchen, then Launchpad sat next to him as he took a seat, they were discussing their plans for their wedding.

But needed permission from Launchpad's family......and I don't mean the mcduck family.

Drake: ok where were we

Launchpad: we were deciding on what theme we should have for our wedding

Drake: right

Launchpad/drake: hmm

They thought for a bit and like mind reading, they decided on the same thing.

Drake: definitely a Darkwing duck theme

Launchpad: oh yeah definitely

They were going through some wedding catalogs, Launchpad was writing down the guest list..but something seemed off about him, he looks at drake then looks down when he saw drake looking at him. Drake knew something was off, he felt that something was bothering Launchpad, like he had something on his mind, like he was worried about something.

Drake: is something troubling you Launchpad

Launchpad: huh

He pretends that he didn't noticed as he continued writing.

Drake: you seemed kinda puzzled is something wrong

Launchpad: oh it's nothing babe

Drake: Launchpad I'm your soon to be husband, you know you can tell me anything

He saw how drake placed his hands on top of his hand, he looks at him smiling, as drake gave him a sincere smile it had him thought that he can tell him anything

Well almost anything

His smile disappears as he looks down in disappointment.

Drake: Launchpad what is it

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