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Great. Perfectly amazing.

Here the pissed off blonde was, Somehow  back at the school she desperately begged and prayed to any deity that would listen to her not to be present in, and in addition, the knowledge of who her admirer still non-existent.

Not to mention she also had to interact with those heathens of friends she had.

"How terrific." She grumbled under her breath as she harshly slammed her locker door shut.

Everyone coward in fear because of the blonde's attitude. Let's say her reputation wasn't spot on perfect. Only a few: Upfront insults to teachers, potentially spraining someone's ankle, (Only potentially) Shoving someone in a garbage out of anger.

Yeah, maybe it was worse than she thought.

She brought fear into the atmosphere with each mighty step she took in the school compound. Leaving almost everyone in fear of opposing her.

Well, keyword to that. Almost.

As she tossed one strap of her backpack around her shoulder, her bag was tugged down by a force that couldn't just have happened out of the blue, but a force that a person could've caused.

And as soon as the thud of her bag hit the tiled floor, a new reason to be in fear of this new day swept into every spectators heart's like a tidal wave.

Adding on to her pity puddle of the week, she jerked her head at the culprit, her eyes fuming with annoyance. But the flames couldn't help but dull as her golden met the hazel irises that she always dreaded to see.

A slight chuckle erupted from the throat she longed to rip out and demolish completely into bits. But sadly, something called the law existed.

Oh that amazing law.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He mocked, dragging the o in 'so'. "Here, lemme pick your shit up for you."

He bent over to attend to what every bystander assumed him to be collecting the bag and handing it over to it's rightful owner. But just then, he dropped the bag and gave it a powerful kick, sending it flying into someone's locker.

The already livid blonde let out a growl, but it might as well have been compared to a bark of a puppy since her rival started his evil snickering of victory.

Mhm, that was the notorious Maryn Winson.

He was one of the few who dared to challenge the person who ruled the school halls by her mighty thrown and had every student dancing at the palm of her hand.

It first peeked his interest at the rumour of how she displayed herself was all a facade to hide her timid behaviour. And sadly after one experimentation that the freak pulled, he discovered that under that mask of boldness she was the complete opposite of how she portrayed herself.

He also managed to find out that that mask could drop easier than one suspects.

So he took this new found information to his advantage. He began to do what everyone wouldn't dare to think about in fear of the teen hearing their own thoughts.

He began to retaliate to her comments, frequently throwing his like balls of canon fire. And it even gave another the motivation to tag along with his war.

But though having the same motivation and hobby, they both never seemed to have gotten along. It was like if one of them owned her and had every right to do what they pleased.

Sad that the debate of the ownership for the puppy was over now. Since Maryn's opponent was no other than Daniella Carves.

"Damn, different day, but same load of shit still wounding up around here." His cruel comments started, "Pick your bag up quickly before you end up like Daniella, won't 'chu?"

She went down on her knees to collect her fallen property, but at the mention of Daniella, a chilly strike shook her core. Leaving an ice cold slash through her heart.

It was like a complete time pause. A corrupted static clouding her thought process, sending her mind haywire. And though she didn't show it, the aura in the air gave it's usual, intoxicating smell of boiled anger.

All the pent up frustration and rage was always there from the start, but it only bundled in one ever since those words that the bastard had the shear gull of saying.

And from those words alone, the unsuspected male awakened a hibernating dragon.

The blonde slowly arose from the ground. Her backpack in hand ominously swaying from her fingertips, already adding to the aphyxiating tension.

Her eyes shot lasers at him. And one can only pray that she spared him with the words that were about to get shot at him.

"What'd you say..?" The simple, low-voiced, but somehow threatening question came his way.

"Daniella. Don't wanna end up like her? Stay in your place."

She slinged her bag over her shoulder. And by that moment, everyone who was victim to her knew that was all it took, and that he finally pulled out the grenade pin.

Alex trudged towards him. A fist of fire prepared by her side and fury motivating her. And as soon as she got close enough to the pest, she sent an unsuspecting punch to the side of his cheek, sending him toppling over on his back.

"What the hell! " Maryn grunted as his cheek throbbed in pain.

"Don't fucking 'What the hell me'! Are you trying to get your ass incriminated? The hell are you thinking?"

Maryn tried to retaliate to her attacks by grabbing onto her ankle. But instead earned a kick to his shoulder blade making him retreat.

Chants of encouragement from bystanders filled the air. Giving her the needed boost to finish him off. And right as she was about to finish her business, the party was immediately put to an end by a familiar voice of a teacher blaring down the hallway.

Alex, being the person she is, takes this as her cue to leave. And as fast as she rained havoc on that small section of the school, she left.

She sprinted towards her classroom and like anyone who just had the same situation as she did, she needed to express her thoughts to someone. But then got the reminder how she shoved everyone who was somewhat close to her away.

Except one, Hayranı.

As she pulled out her small notepad she had pocketed just for the specific use of talking to the person who seemed to be the only human besides herself in a confined space of rabid animals, she sealed the fate of a fellow classmate of Misana High.

Right then, she took out the pen that wrote a name off to the devil himself. And by the following words, sold a soul to a brute in the shadows.

"Hey, something happened with this guy. I think you might know him. Maryn Winson."

A/N: I apologise for my lack of uploads. Currently, I have something holding me back from keeping a persistent schedule and not uploading the times I want to. Hope you all understand and stay safe. <3

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