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Looks like Mary lost one of her precious little lambs today.

But deep in his gut, or perhaps whatever was left of his conscience, he knew he had it coming. Maryn was practically kissing on his feet and pleading to him as if he were God to end his life. Especially since he somehow managed to get this far with provoking his property. Well looky now. Just as the scriptures say:

Ask and you shall receive.

Seek and you shall find.

"Knock and the door shall be opened for you." He chuckled outload, immediately being replaced with a monotoned expression afterwards.

Funny that he was speaking about religion and he was no where classified as holy. He didn't even believe in God. If any slave to God came across him they'd feel the presence of the devil himself lurk around them.

But it wasn't like he would spare a glance at those people. He could frankly care less. Just like that famous saying they all use to people who go against their religious beliefs.

"Burn in hell." A low mutter sounded out of his mouth as he peered down at the deceased body of Maryn below his feet.

It was such an unnecessary hassle to end him. And he knew the only thing he could've blamed was his cockyness of thinking he'd be quick with ending him.

Definitely wasn't as easy as Daniella. But he still earned his satisfaction of the blessing of looking down at his tattered body. It was a thrill to say the least.

Maybe it was starting to become a habit for him. A habit of finding happiness in blood shed. A habit of finding pleasure in someone else's pain. A habit of finding thrill in desperation for survival.

Though having all of that for ways to supply himself, he knew he only found pleasure in all of them because of the main goal of all this masacre. The main dish after his appetisers.

Alex Teran.


"I'm home." His monotoned voice echoed through the two's small apartment, receiving it's usual hum in return.

He gazed around to finally spot the little gremlin slouched down on the couch. His hair dishevelled and eyes fixated on his Nintendo switch.

That was the usual, that was what he always came home to.

Breaking their pattern that they were accustomed to rarely ever happened. Possibly once every blue moon. And they were fine with that. So when the snowy-haired blonde approached him mid-way of placing his backpack at the corner of the living room, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.



"It's 7pm; Where the hell were you?" His brother frantically asked, his Nintendo switch carelessly swinging in his relaxed arm.

Levi groaned in annoyance, "Since when are you concerned for me?"

The snowy haired male was taken aback by the question. And instead of resolving it with his usual collective scolding, he pelted his device on the of a nearby desk, the latter flinching at his outburst.

"I don't know, Levi! Since when did it have a whole ass murderer on the loose in our school? I'm just trying to look out for you, you inconsiderate bastard!" He exploded with firery rage. He was at his complete peak with the raven.

Levi did have to admit. Ever since his murderous "habits" over the blonde began, his schedule on when he decided to return to their apartment was completely scrambled.

The times the elder decided to abruptly show up ranged from evening to midnight. Not to mention that one worrysome, heart racing day for Luca when Levi decided to take a joyride to who knows where for a whole day.

Thus all this, blared every signals of concern to his already string holding sanity of a brother.

"God, untwist your panties for fuck's sake. I'm alive aren't I?" The dark haired male retaliated in a half jokingly manner.

But the threatening glare sent his way immediately unmaned him from his jokes.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a deep sigh before plopping down his hands on the latter's shoulder, almost as motivation for himself specifically.

"Lu', listen. I really can't explain to you what I've been doing right now. But I promise, I'm fine. And at the end of the day it'd benefit both of us, 'kay?" The lie slipped through his mouth like velvet as he laid a small peck on his brother's forehead.

Hesitantly, the younger gave a small nod of approval that he himself debated on whether he could settle for that alone. It seemed like there was still a huge piece of the puzzle missing that Levi wasn't confessing to.

And to that, he was right.

The raven quickly departed from his brother and without a word being said sauntered to his room not too far across the hallway.

He swung open the door and stepped inside, and as soon as the door behind him was shut, his mask of a caring older brother immediately fell and was replaced with a stone cold expression of what he actually was. A murderer.

A brute in disguise. He came to terms with himself. That was what he was, and he was somehow completely fine with that.

He commited a crime. An unjustified one too. And it was only marked as unjustified because of the intent. How foolish he thought it was.

He trudged over to his desk and propped himself down. Extending his hand to a nearby draw, he pulled out a basic composition note book. Turns out the same note book he used to communicate with his beloved also doubled as a book of his unique thoughts and personal opinions. And now, a new one was about to be added. A new slice of the twisted pie of his thought process.

"'It's not a crime if you don't get caught.' was a statement I never believed in. You still did what others mark as wrong and illegal. The people who identiy themselves as innocent would never commit such acts. Not because they made their own independent decision to, but because it's marked as illegal. Cruel. Wrong. Or even heartless.

But at the end of the the day, who was the person to decide what was right or what was wrong. I'm not religious, in fact, I don't believe in anytype of God. So who stamped murdering someone for the mare satisfaction of love as a cruel thing? Why do they get to decide? That's why, in my case, what I'm doing isn't wrong. If some overpowered bastard didn't mark it as wrong, we would've all have commited one or two crimes in our lives, won't we? Most just have the intent but don't proceed with the action. We humans are all the same.

Except the few who take control of their own lives and don't depend on religion or a rule. I am one of the few. I'm not a slave to a rule. That's why what I'm doing isn't wrong. It's just perceived as."

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