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Beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead as he finalised his mischievous craftsmanship by gliding a wash cloth once again over the wooden floor boards.

The raven had been at his thorough cleaning of his crime scene for what felt like hours and to be fair, he had no one to blame but himself.

After all, he was the one that made the decision of taking his glorious time and effort to be precised with how he was going to send his prey off into slaughter. Or perhaps whatever afterlife was awaiting the younger. Who knows?

He clicked his tongue in defeat before he took a huff of the asphyxiatingly chilly air and with one spin of his heel, sauntered out of the slaughterhouse of a shed.

As soon as he stepped outside, he was not only greeted by the freezing wisk of air that gave the affect of the first stage of hyperthermia, but also a pair of hands that felt cold to the touch. Not from the weather, but from the shiver enducing mask of care that they inherited from female they belonged to.

"Hiya, my little silly goose~!" The irritating voice cooed in his air, just missing the pitch by the slightest degree to burst his ear drums. "You took so long in there! It isn't good mannerisms to leave a lady alone you know that?"

She moved her hands up from his waist to his neck, practically dangling off of him due to the obvious height difference and the elder never felt more repulsed having her so close by his face. He held himself back from swatting her off there and then.

A smile forced itself on his face, "Candi, you know I was busy. I had to keep you waiting whether you liked it or not."

Ah, how could he have forgotten the Candi Mona. The distant ex family friend he practically signed his rights away to ever since one slip up that cause a chain of events to her uncovering the gruesome truth of Levi's murderous habits.

Though, that was all she discovered, she never found out or actually cared to ask why. She just jumped straight to the opportunity to use her obtained information against him in exchange to be his awfully wedded 'wife'. When in reality, there was no contract besides the one he was foolishly forced into for nothing but the freedom to roam around without the restriction of a juvenile jail cell.

Plus, he did get to utilise her abandoned shed at the back of her parents' house. And they weren't a threat of any kind due to the fact that they were overseas.

So the question on why the brute hasn't knocked the life out of the wretched woman remains and the answer was simply because Candi was smarter than she looked.

Not only did the girl hold beauty, although not always showing it at times, she held brain hidden up her sleeve of her tacky blindingly yellow coat.

And like the poisonous snake she was, she did a warning strike.

It was revealed that she had skillfully recorded the confrontation of the latter's crimes. And with the help of some surreal tech genius programming, managed to enhance her phone to the point that if she didn't log in at a certain time every day forward, the audio would automatically be directed to the police resulting in the brutes demise.

It was fascinating how quick the predator had become prey with the right tools. And now it was officially a game of snake and mouse, the snake flexing it's fangs that had it's potent venom beading the tip ready to strike at any moment the mouse wasn't a slave to it's cruel demands.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now