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As tears cascaded down his feeble and utterly exhausted face, he was tasting more than the saltyness of his pitiful weeping.

On the tip of his dehydrated tongue, death teased him with his scythe that harshly dragged along his taste buds. Not enough to slice it off, but enough for it to leave the metallic taste of blood lingering.

Death, being no other than the cruel brute that hid in the shadows of Misana High. The one behind the strings of the puppets.

Levi Zanior.

Chilly air wisked through the windows, metal borders, rusty from neglect and hinges seemingly hanging on by a singular bolt. To be frank, the place looked like shit. Whatever this place even was.

The walls of the foreign area looked tattered and ravaged, almost as if a wild animal was tortured to the brink of insanity and went haywire. Which he couldn't help but have the idea of it being foreshadowing for his own faith.

Though his vision not being at it's exact peak, through his fog storm of tears he swore on whatever scrapings that were left of his hope that a figure swept past the darkness, almost as if it were blending in. And that caused his heart to burn, for once it not being because of the so called love he was blinded by, instead it being because of the knowledge that whatever shred of chance he had of survival, it was prevented by a mere gag that restricted him of the smallest of noises.

He felt useless, helpless, he felt like a dog in a pound, alone and cold, left to ponder on what his dice of faith would be.

From what he recalled from his overall scrambled memory, one minute he was trying to retrieve a bag for his lover, the next he was attacked in the head by a student and wounded up in a small metal cage, hands left bounded together by zip-tye at the roof.

He took his word for the attacker being a student with a grain of salt. Only because the only evidence aligning those two assumptions was the traditional school uniform that the brute was supposedly wearing. But due to his faint memories, he couldn't help but ponder if it was just himself forcing his brain to produce anytype of clue to solve the misfortune he was in.

All he could currently do was reluctantly attempt to open the doors of freedom from his bounds, or perhaps, if a wrong move was made, the captivation of death.

Right when he was about to give his final attempt of breaking free from the newly discovered hell hole, a creaky wooden door abruptly swung open and crashed against a rack overflowing with whatever continence it was once holding.

Several items that couldn't have been visible due to the dim lighting, fell to the ground with a thud that sent an echoed throughout the captured's new abode. A stretched out sigh following after it.

"Shit." The raspily deep voice swore, crouching down and retrieving the fallen objects.

Meanwhile, with the latter, panic struck through him like a sharpened sword.

His memories flashed by him lightning fast all at once, making it even more difficult to process the information that was currently being shoved down his throat by no one other than himself.

Him. He was the one.

He didn't even need to see his sickening face. As soon as he heard the deepness of his voice, everything automatically clicked for him.

The person who he saw in Jaxx's classroom when he was doing his orders, he was no other than the current man who was holding him hostage. He felt like a hollow brick inside.

As the sound of scampering throughout the dark was put to a stop, a small flick was heard and heaven's gates opened revealing blinding brightness that his eyes were yet to adjust to.

Ominous footsteps on the ancient wooden flooring were slowly but surely nearing him while his eyes were adjusting to the new found light. And as the sound of boots against the foors stopped, his heart seemingly copied.

His body froze in whatever position it last made and his eyes sewed themselves shut. The feeling of eyes piercing into him almost becoming unbearable as a deadly silence engulfed the room.

He began to miss the sound of the wind or perhaps of the captor's shoes, at least they gave his mind somewhat stability. This was worst than whatever torture he could go through in the near future.

Now, history repeated itself once again, leaving off with the predator and the prey troupe for what felt like eternity. The only difference this time was the prey was too much of a coward to even look the predator in the eyes.

To say he was dissatisfied was an understatement.

"Open your eyes, look at who you're dealing with." The spine chilling voice demanded.

By that, the younger couldn't help but obey, especially not knowing what he was capable of. Not knowing is more terrifying than facing your fears.

As his eyes hesitantly flickered open, he was met with a pair of legs in black boots with grey straps complementing them. A pair of distressed jeans to go along with it.

Just by that alone, he knew he was a poor villager who was about to risk his all against a knight, similar to the books he fancied reading. This time, the ending being replaced with a more sinister and gruesome plot.

"Up." The husky voice deadpannded.

Following his instructions like the lost puppy dog he was labeled as, he shakily averted his gaze upwards, and there he saw him.

Standing above him was the devil in the stance of God.

His pitch black hair flowed freely down his face and through the few strands that covered his eyes, dark irises bored into his utterly opposite baby blue.

Dread engulfed him as the brute slowly slouched down till he was squatting, making sure to continuously stare at him and blocking out all ways to break eye contact.

He extended his hands forward and laced his fingers around the square cage holes, Sora's eyes shakily following along with each finger that wrapped itself around the miniature windows.

Suddenly, he forcefully yanked the cage forward towards himself, shaking his prey in the process.

To him, it was just like him playing with his food. He was teasing the boy, absorbing his fear like a blood thirsty vampire.

His eyes trailed a tear that raced the others down the latter's face, and a menacing grin followed by a faint chuckle shook the blue haired teen's core.

Sora never understood why people wanted to succumb to death as soon as they saw the actions of their abductor, but at the current moment, he understood. And he understood to understand someone else's pain fully, you'd have to experience it yourself.

Letters.. (Alevi FanFiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now