Its not a date

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My head felt like it was just banged with a rod. What the hell did just happen?
Am I dreaming or Mark, Mayank Sharma, businessman, my fiance's rival (ex) , my boss who just fired me a few days just claimed that he loves me?
He looked at me intently, awaiting my answer.

I walked towards him. I tried to say something but could not.

" .night?" He said each word after a pause.

Is he for real? He fired me. I worked so hard on Enchante  and he took it away from me. AND now he is asking me out on a date!

He noticed my confused expression.

"Its just a professional dinner. There are somethings to discuss since you are going to work on a new magazine with Nicki. Just some paper work, thats all." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked.


"About Glamour. Nicki's new venture?"

"I have known her father for years.  So tomorrow at 9? I will have someone pick you up. Be quick, I have to leave now." rude.


He did not even say goodbye or anything.  He took out his shades, worn them and just left. Who does he think he is? A millionaire?

Pun intended.

"So since when do you send someone to pick up in professional dinners?" Said a familiar voice. Dr. Amit. Thats when I realised, I was in a hospital.

"I am sure, millionaires do it all the time. They have that kind of money after all."

"As you say, stawberry. Shall we go see Manvi now? I just went there though when you were busy gawking your boss. She is awake and well. But really upset about her baby. You should see her."

But really upset about her baby. My fiance's baby. Ha.

"Then I am leaving."  With that I left. He followed me. I sat in the passenger seat and he joined me in the driver's seat.

"We are not leaving until you go see her." He announced.

"Then get ready to spend the night here."

"Do you always have to behave like a teenager?"

"You want me to go see how those backstabbers are doing. Even god is not on their side."

"You sound so ridiculous Nea. God did not make the accident happen.Those two, did not commit any crime. They deserve forgiveness." He said calmly.

"They betrayed me! Destroyed me!  They played with my emotions. They lied to me! She is grieving the loss of MY FIANCE'S baby! Do you even understand what that means?"  I shouted.

"I do, you don't." He said. What the hell! "They did not murder anyone. They are only human. And human beings make mistakes, Nea."

"Mistake!! Have. You. Lost. Your. Mind." I put emphasis on each word.
"There is not even a valid explaination for what they did. Why did they have to lie to me? Why did they have to humiliate me in front of so many people? WHY DID THEY  BETRAY ME?"

"You never let them explain. Everytime you get close to knowing the answers, you walk away. Nea, you avoid. You run away from the situation."

"Okay, psycho-doc, please shut up! You are a blithering idiot if you are taking their side!"


"Why should I tell you about Raven? You would say the fault is entirely mine!"

"Well not entirely. I can't comment really. We don't know his side of the story."

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