Chapter 7

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• Kenji •

Kenji's appearance in court had arrived sooner than he thought he was prepared for. As he stood in front the unsanitary sink of the public bathroom, Kenji found himself saying a small prayer. He wasn't one to pray often, even though he grew up in church. In the moment, he thought about how the hearing could go. Though he and his lawyer went over what could possibly happen in the courtroom, Kenji knew the law didn't work in favor of men like him. Still, he remained hopeful.

"Grant!" Heavy knocks came at the door, "Wrap it up in there!" One of the guards yelled. Kenji looked over at himself in the mirror one final time. He wore a navy blue suit that was sharp-looking and well-fitted. Exactly the sort of thing that a woman would pick out for her man to wear to a formal event; which wasn't the case in this situation. Still, it fit well, and made him look presentable enough to appear in front of the judge.

While being escorted back to the waiting area, Kenji spotted a few familiar faces; bringing a magical smile to his face. "Hey, where you think you're going?" Gomez, one of the guards from Solitude questioned, holding his hand out in front of Kenji to prevent him from greeting his people. He silently huffed. "Officer Gomez, is it?" Kenji's lawyer stepped in. "Unless you want a complaint filed and sent to your superior, I suggest you allow my client the decency of five-minutes with his family." Alicia hated the way some correctional officers handled inmates.

Officer Gomez didn't put up a fight. He had his fair share of write-ups, and was currently skating on thin ice with Warden Monteź. "Make it three." He allowed Kenji to walk over to his family. "Oh, it's so good to hug you!" Mrs. Grant embraced her son in the tightest hug she could give— still, she didn't feel it were tight enough to make up for all the times she wasn't allowed to hug him. "I told y'all not to come." Kenji inhaled his mothers sweet scent.

"Man, you know we wasn't gone listen to you." Ro dapped him up. Kenji chuckled, "Good seeing you, fool." Ronin nodded, "Word. The least that unseasoned mother-fucker could've done was remove the cuffs though." He pointed to Kenji's wrists. "Boy, watch that mouth!" Mrs. Grant popped him on the arm. "Yea, Ronin, watch that mouth." An appealing voice chimed into the conversation.

Everyone grew quiet as Kenji placed his eyes on Lyric, who he unintentionally did not take notice to. "What you doing here?" He asked. "Came to show my support." Her shoulders went up then down. Kenji nodded. "Appreciate y'all." He more-so said this to his Mom and Ro. "I don't mean to ruin the moment," Alicia stood beside Kenji, "But they're ready for us." She informed. "Don't worry, this gone work out." Ronin patted his brother on the arm.

Kenji could only hope. Only a few people other than him, his family, and lawyer were seated in the courtroom as well. There was a small jury this go-round and Kenji hoped this meant that things would somehow workout in his favor today. Moments later, the judge was seen entering. "All rise." The bailiff waited for everyone to stand. "The District Court of the City of Baltimore is now in session. The honorable Judge Foster presiding." He announced.

"Please be seated." The bailiff waited until after Judge Foster took his seat. Kenji starred at the man before him. Lines covered his earth-brown skin, as though he'd spent long years in the sun. Alicia stood, and walked up to the judge, where the curious crowd behind her could also listen in while she gave her opening statement. "My client has been wrongly accused a tragic crime that took place on July 27th." She paused to look at Kenji then continued even louder. "Although Mr. Grant was found guilty of the death of Brayden "BJ" Jettson, the recent discovery of evidence states otherwise."

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