Chapter 6

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• Cheyenne •

"He's a courteous guy. Why are you making it seem like he's some creep?" Cheyenne's cousin, Nia questioned. She ran her matte acrylic fingernails down the hem of the nude dress. "I'm not trying to. Marcellus just does too much." Cheyenne responded with a shrug. She was always skeptical of Marcellus though he was a well mannered man who treated her with decency. Despite their few dates and long year of knowing each other, Cheyenne still couldn't warm up to the idea of being romantically involved with him.

Marcellus is a fairly attractive guy and financially stable as well— however, he had the personality of a needy five-year-old. "Duh, he likes you! It's called applying pressure, cuz." Nia stated the obvious. "I mean, what's there to not like? He's fine as fuck with a bag." She sounded like her usual gold-miner self. Nia often expressed how she saw men as a business. She wasn't going to waste her time on a man who couldn't add to her table. "This is your problem now." Cheyenne laughed.

"All I'm saying is, I got flown to Japan last weekend. Choose your target wisely." Nia turned to her cousin just before applying more clear lipgloss to her puffy, heart shaped lips. "How are we seriously related?" Cheyenne joked, although she often found herself wondering this exact question. Nia and Cheyenne are complete opposites. While Cheyenne busted her ass to get good grades in school, Nia was too busy ditching most of her classes to hang out with boys.

"Don't act like I'm not your favorite cousin now." Nia flipped the thirty-six-inch weave behind her shoulder. This Cheyenne couldn't deny. Despite the two being total opposites, they grew up more like sisters rather than cousins. There's even a few family photos where Cheyenne and Nia's mom had the girls dressed alike.

"Exactly." Nia batted her eyelashes after no response from her cousin. Her phone dinged with a notification seconds later. "Ubers here." She announced looking at the Uber app from her phone. Somehow Nia managed to get Cheyenne out the house after many failed attempts of the past. "Remember what I said, no later than three." Cheyenne sounded like a parent reminding her cousin of their agreement. "Relax, I remember." Nia let out a sigh as they made their way out of Cheyenne's house.

On the ride to the club Cheyenne attempted to prepare herself. She never cared for being in social environments, especially not one such as a packed nightclub. The beige colored bandage midi dress hugged her curves effortlessly as she hopped out the car behind her cousin. Bystanders stood in the long line awaiting entry inside the popular club. "Watch and learn cousin dearest." Nia grinned, walking over to the bouncer, adding extra swish in the way she walked.

"What's up, Kalil?" She greeted the husky, dark-skinned dude. "Oh shit! Nia, that's you baby girl?" He took this moment to check her out. "In the flesh." She flashed him a innocent smile. "My cousin and I came to party at the hottest club." She pointed over at Cheyenne. Kalil licked his lips, finding Cheyenne to be just as attractive as her cousin.

Nia only hung with the baddest, according to her and the tons of pictures and videos she often shared on social media. "That's cool. Come right on in then." He gave both ladies one final stare before allowing them inside. "Do you always flirt your way into things?" Cheyenne asked over the loud music, walking close behind her cousin. She thought the club was damn near at full capacity with the amount of people there.

"Only when I need to." Nia smirked, stopping at the bar. "Hey! Can I get two sexy skinny margaritas please." Nia leaned over the bar as she talked to the bartender. As they awaited their drinks, Nia's eyes scanned the crowded nightclub. She spotted a few familiar faces and already figured tonight would be the night out she was looking for. "Drink up!" She held her glass in the air while handing Cheyenne hers. "I know how much you hate drinking so I started you off with something smooth." Nia said.

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