Chapter 10

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• Cheyenne •

"Mom? Dad?" Cheyenne's voiced echoed throughout her parents house. She slipped off her work shoes and left her bag on the center table. "Mom, are you in the kitchen?" She called out again not hearing a response from neither of her parents. "We're in the basement!" She heard her mothers voice after a long beat. Cheyenne then made her way downstairs to the basement where her Mom and Dad stood, going through boxes.

"Hey, Dad." Cheyenne gave her father a warm hug. "Good seeing you, baby girl." Clévon squeezed his daughter tightly before placing a wet kiss on her forehead. "Oh, I see. Your Mother doesn't get any display of affection?" Mrs. Mitchell was being her usual dramatic self which caused Cheyenne to shake her head at the thought. "Hello, Mother." Cheyenne's voice was mellisonant while hugging and kissing her mother, Fayola.

"It's always good to see your face, sweetheart." Fayola observed her daughters appearance. She was still dressed in her navy blue scrubs and her hair was done in a low ponytail with extensions for extra length. "Sounds like you miss me." Cheyenne teased, knowing that it was in fact true. Fayola often nagged about the distance Cheyenne kept after moving out. "Don't get your Mother started now." Clévon smirked, unpacking workout clothes from one of the many boxes.

Fayola mugged her husband upon clearing her throat, "How's work going, Chey?" As if weekly updates via text message wasn't enough. Cheyenne debated on whether or not she wanted to talk about the intense conversation she had with Warden Monteź. She quickly decided against it knowing how her parents could react, her Mother specifically. Being an only child left Clévon and Fayola Mitchell to be very overprotective of their daughter. They wanted Cheyenne to reach for the stars, as the married couple like to put it; so they supplied her with the proper utensils for a decent life.

Growing up, Cheyenne went to charter schools because her mother felt she would get the full education she needed. Cheyenne constantly exceeded her academic performances throughout her years in school and never failed to astound her parents. It was an understatement to say Cheyenne had a good head on her shoulders. She didn't keep much friends beside her best friend Jade and cousin, Nia. Male attention wasn't something she got a thrill out of receiving either.

"Works been okay, for the most part. Of course I have my good days and my bad, but I don't have many complaints." She responded the most honest way she could. "I hope you're not being harassed or anything of that matter." Fayola stared over at Cheyenne. "As long as she has no complaints and is not overworking herself or being treated unfairly, I see no issues." Clévon was always coming to his daughters rescue.

"Mhm." Fayola proceeded to unpack photo albums filled with life long memories. "Oh, my god! You still have this?" Cheyenne grabbed a baby blue box which contained some of her firsts. "I would never get rid of things so sentimental." Her mother smiled at a baby photo of Cheyenne crawling on the floor. Fayola missed when her little was just that— a little girl, however, she admired the woman who daughter grew to become.

Cheyenne talked with her parents a bit longer before deciding to head home. She hugged and kissed her mother and father tightly while promising to come over for dinner next weekend. On the drive home, Nia's face printed across her phone screen. "What's up, Nini?" Cheyenne answered the phone which automatically connected to the cars Bluetooth. "Hi my favorite cousin." Nia's voice sounded extra cheery for some reason.

"Cut straight to the chase. What you need?" Cheyenne questioned, continuing the drive home. She knew her cousin was most likely calling in need of a favor or something of that sort. Nia sucked her teeth, chuckling from her end of the line, "Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to come out tonight? You remember my friend Ro from the club, right? He's having a get together for his best friend tonight." She added.

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