Chapter 8

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• Kenji •

After the judge granted Kenji his rightful freedom, he was immediately released from Solitude. Alicia waited on the other side of the wired gates as she watched him walk towards her with a bag containing his belongings. A small smile crept onto her face— she did it, after four burdensome years.
"I can't thank you enough, Alicia." Kenji now joined his lawyer on the other side of those gates.

"Welcome home! And you don't have to keep thanking me. I was doing my job, Kenji." Alicia cheesed uncontrollably. Kenji nodded. He looked back at the prison. Although he was over-the-moon about being a free man, he couldn't deny that he would miss the few homies he served time with. Some of the inmates became like brothers to Kenji over the span of last four-years. He would never forget them.

"I thought Ronin was coming to pick me up?" He tossed the clear bag to the backseat once in the passenger seat of Alicia's ride. She shrugged, "He said he had some business to take care of and asked me to do it." Alicia then started the ignition.

"You can just drop me off at the diner we usually meet at." He said half-way through the drive. Alicia simply nodded. Kenji only allowed two people to know where he laid his head at— his Mother and Ro. The remainder of the drive was silent as Kenji's mind clouded with different thoughts. He knew he needed to get back to what was most important; making money and maintaining business.

He missed many years of overseeing his businesses and refused to miss another second now that he had his life back. When Alicia pulled into the parking-lot of Topside, Kenji starred up at the sign. It'd been a while since he seen that sign or even had his favorite meal from this place. "Thanks for the ride Alicia. I'll have your final payment wired before the day is over." He grabbed his belongings from the backseat, hopping out the car. Alicia said her final byes before pulling off.

Kenji was left on foot to find his way home. He didn't mind being that it at his request and he lived about five-minutes from the diner. He began walking in the direction of his home. He looked raggedy and couldn't wait to clean himself up the way he preferred. Not long after, Kenji stood in front the black slide gate; it was massively high for his own safety and privacy reasons. He soon typed in the code to the gate on the keypad, granting him immediate access.

Upon entering his house, Kenji's eyes roamed around. Everything was as he left it, though he was almost certain his Mother still came over from time-to-time to tidy up the place. It was awfully quiet, and for a moment Kenji cherished what that felt like. He was in the comfort of his own home and free to do and move as he pleased.

He didn't waste another minute getting out of his jeans and black t-shirt. He proceeded to turn on the fireplace; where he then tossed the clothes in. The clothes served no purpose keeping, and he didn't want a constant reminder of the night his life turned sour. About twenty-minutes later, Kenji had taken his hair out of those junky braids, washing his hair and scrubbing his skin free of any final traces of Solitude. He felt refreshed from head-to-toe.

Wrapping a towel around his lower half, he searched for a tank top and basketball shorts. He didn't have any intensions on doing anything but enjoying some alone time. "Yo?" He could hear Ro's voice coming from downstairs. "Fuck!" Kenji cursed under his breath, slipping the tank top over his head.

"Fuck you doing here?" Kenji replied, heading to greet Ronin downstairs. "Nigga, fuck you think I'm doing here? And why you not dressed nigga?" Ro was taken back by his friends appearance. "I ain't got nowhere to be. I'm chilling." Kenji's shoulders went up then down. "Nigga you sound stupid." Ro sucked his teeth, "Four-years of you being gone. Now you finally home and you think we ain't gone turn up? You must've lost some chromosomes in that shit tank." He joked.

Kenji sucked his teeth. Ronin could party seven days a week and he could never understand how. "Look, Ro, ion feel like being in everybody face right now." He said, walking over to the fridge for a bottle of water. It stayed fully stocked thanks to his Mother. Ro sighed, "So, what I'm supposed to do? Call off the celebration?" He looked at Kenji for pity.

"I don't care what you do, I'm not in the party mood tonight— besides, it's only seven-forty-five, bruh." Kenji shook his head. "Man, whatever. Stay home if that's what's gon' float yo' boat." Ro waved him off. He figured his right hand wouldn't turn down an opportunity to get lit and maybe have welcome home sex. Regardless of how Ro imagined it, that was the least of Kenji's concerns.

"How 'bout your goofy ass talk about something business related?" He grabbed some blueberries from the fridge as well before closing it. "Business is good, but it could be better." Ronin told him. Kenji raised an eyebrow. "Fuck that mean?" Ro took a seat at the brown sommerford dining table. "Well, you know how we ain't been fuckin' with Ax and his boys cause they haven't been moving shit fast enough lately? I think we could expand business." He suggested.

Kenji listened to his right hand. He was never one to shut down ideas presented to him until giving it some thoughtful consideration. "What you saying then?" He asked. Ro licked his lips, "I got this dude out in Philly that could potentially be a buyer, if you just meet with him." He stated. "You know how I feel about shit like this when it comes to business. Not all money is good money. I respect your judgement though, so the least I could do it sit down with homie." Kenji replied.

"I could fuck with it." Ro dapped him up. "How's business legally?" Kenji chewed on a blueberry before washing it down with some water. Ro cheesed. "You was right about doing that holiday sale. We looking at nearly ten bands this month alone and the month ain't even over yet." Kenji nodded. He was pleased with the gain of profit from his barbershops— even so, it was the simple fact that he was graciously doing another good deed for his community that brought him more satisfaction.

"Sounds good. I never doubted that you could hold things down." Kenji was honest. "Appreciate the opportunity." Ro laughed. "You sure you don't want some ass and titties in yo' face tonight though?" He questioned again for reassurance. "Fool, if you don't get yo' thirsty ass out my shit." Kenji playfully kicked Ronin out; he meant what he had said.

"A'ight, whatever. Glad you home for-real brother." Ro dapped him up again, this time the two shared a manly hug. "Glad to be home. 'Preciate all you did bruh." Kenji would soon find a way to thank Ronin for stepping up to the plate, and looking out for his Mother. Though he was sure Ro didn't expect anything in return, he wanted to do something thoughtful— and with Christmas around the corner, he'd find a perfect way to repay his brother.

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