4~ Air Plane Rides

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Asia POV

I boarded the plane with all my friends, excitement coursing through me. I sat down and waited to take off grabbing my phone and setting it on airplane mode. I pulled out my headphones trying drown everyone out sine I wasn't sitting near my friends.

I felt someone sit next to me I looked up to see who it was really quick then looked back out of the window. Until realization hit me. I quickly looked back up at the man sitting next to me.

"Hey! I know you!" I said shocked.
"Hm?" the guy answered back.

It was him... Mystery Man!

"You. You were the one that bought me that bathing suit at the surf shop?" I said. I seriously hope this is him, because otherwise I'm to look like a total idiot.

"Oh Yeah!" he exclaimed. His face was still hidden behind those tinted shades. He was wearing a black hoodie and black sweat pants. But god damn he looked fine.

"How are you doing. I wouldn't expect to see you again this way." he laughed. It wasn't genuine though, kind of shady.
"I'm going to the Bahamas for spring break." I answered.
"Same over here." he laughed again. I just nodded and looked back out the window.
"You look beautiful." he suddenly said. My cheeks felt like they were on fire now.
"Um, thanks." I spoke looking down at what I was wearing.

I examined my loose boho shorts and my simple black tank top. Maybe I shouldn't have worn this... My thighs looks as big as Russia when I sit down. I crossed my legs then looked at the small pudge my stomach made. Oh my goodness I look like a hippo... a sexy ass hippo...

"I like your hair." he said examining it. My hair was in it's naturally curly state. It came right past my breast and I took great pride in it. It still had ombré in it that took me fucking three months to get perfect.

"Thank you." I said again.
"Can I feel it?" he asked his cheeks and ears getting red. I smiled and nodded my head yes. I usually don't like people touching with their frees has hands. Also they never know how to touch curly hair. You can't just run your fingers through it, then it gets frizzy. You gotta like stroke it.

He wrapped his hand around and chunk and stroked it. Damn, white boy knows. He wrapped a ringlet around his finger and then let it go. He grabbed another ringlet and pulled it lightly so that it was straight , then let it go watching it curl back up. A big smile formed on his lips.

"Thank you." He said.
"No problem." I answered.

I sat back my seat closing my eyes hoping that I could sleep most of the trip. Sleep almost came over me until someone suddenly came clicking through and shoving their carryon in the over head. I looked up only to see a busty blonde with boobs up to her throat and the perfect body.

I looked over at the mystery guy and he was as well looking at her. I just lightly sighed. Once she saw him her blue eyes lit up and she happily took the seat next to him.

"Hi. I'm Angie." she said pumping her chest out.
"Hey, I'm Jay." Mystery man who now I know is named Jay.
"Your quite handsome aren't you." she said trailing a finger across his built chest.

Jealousy overflowed me but I quickly pushed it to the side. There is no point for that. Angie caught sight of me looking at her and she quickly threw me a disgusted look. I looked down and back out the window.

"Thanks. " Jay said. His arm took up the whole armrest so a I was stuck in the corner.
"Hi! I'm Angie." Angie said in a fake tone at me. I looked over at her and gave her a small smile.
"I'm Asia." I said shyly. I glimpsed up at Jay and he was already looking down at me smiling.

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