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Asia POV

I followed Jason into the Verizon store. I was so excited, oh my god I am going to be able to call my mom and hear her voice and make sure my little bro was doing okay.

Jason opened the door for me, letting me go in first. I looked around at all the phones.

"Do you like iPhones?" Jason asked me placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me to the big display. I looked up and down at all the prices. Good lord.

"Eh, how about..." I trailed off looking around the store until my eyes landed on some slide phones in the corner of the store.

"those!" I said pointing over to the small display in the corner. Jason looked at them weird then at me.

"Look this is perfect. My hands are kind of small anyway." I said grabbing Justin's hand and leading him over to the simpler phones.

"Asia, you don't want this." Jason shook is head no.

"Yes I do." I rebuddled playing with one of the phones.

"Asia I know that you've been wanting the iPhone 6 plus." Jason said pulling me back towards the iphones.

"Nah they might bend on me and its way to big. I don't want it." I fibbed. To be honest ive been inlove with the iPhone 6 plus ever since it came out but I didn't get it because it was way too much money.

"Asia I've seen you watch so many IPhone 6 plus unboxing and review videos on youtube that I lost count. The only reason I got it was because I was to persuaded." he laughed shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I don't need all that." I said.

" But I want you to have it, so your getting it." he said walking to one of the Verizon men.

"I need to get a plan set up for her." Jason said pointing at me.

"Alrighty, what kind of phone were you interested in?" the guy asked Jason.

"The iPhone 6 plus." he said sitting down at the guy's desk.

"What color did you want?" The man asked. Jason turned around and signaled for me to come sit down next to him. Jason pulled the chair closer to him and I sat down. Jason took my hand in his.

"What color would you like?" Jason asked me.

"Gold." I answered in a shy tone. The man nodded and him and Jason started filling out paper work. Jason continued sorting things out with the man till all of a sudden a gold iPhone with a black otterbox was placed in front of me.

"Okay honey, let's get going." Jason said standing up.

We both walked out of the store and I was playing on the phone. I put my finger print into the phone along with a code. While I was still  in the fingerprints, Jason took my phone and began doing his finger print as well. I then had a black iPhone 6 plus in my lap. It was Jason's phone.

"Put your finger print in." Jason stated. I pressed his home button to see his lock screen was a picture of me from my instagram.

"What is the code?" I asked looking over at him.

"Your birth year." Jason said still entering his finger print. I went into his settings and added my finger print.

I handed him back his phone while he handed me back my brand new one.

"Thank you." I said biting my lip. Jason started the car and then looked over at me.

"Anything for you baby." Jason said backing out of the lot and driving home.

I went to my contacts to add my mom. I saw that I already had one contact, Jason. Also that he already sent him self a text so that he has my number.

"You can call your mom when we are home." I nodded my head and waited until we pulled in to the large house. Jason would only let me carry one bag into the house, while he had the rest.

He walked all the way up the 3 flights of stairs like it was no problem while I was behind him having a low key heart attack.

He set all the bags down next to the huge closet.  He turned around and grabbed thee bag out of my hand placing it with the rest. He then grabbed my hand and sat me on the bed. He wrapped his arm around my back, resting his hand on my hip.

"Go ahead and call your mom." Jason said kissing my forehead.

My fingers waisted no time, them running to my contacts and pressing my mom's contact. The phone rang until it was picked up only to hear her beautiful voice. It didn't sound as warm and happy like how it usually does, it sounded empty.

"Mommy." I squeaked feeling my eyes pinch. It was silent for a moment.

"Anastasia?" my mom said her voice becoming frantic.

"Yes." I said my eyes filling up with tears.

"Baby! Oh my god!" I herd my mom's voice over the phone break into tears.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Do you have food? Did anyone hurt you?" My mom bombarded me with questions.

"I'm okay mama." I smiled though my tears.

"Where are you? Do you need me to get you?" My mom said.

I was silent for a minute not sure if I should tell her. I looked at Jason who was looking at me with a warm smiles.

"I'm in California." I said through the phone. It was silent.

"How did you get across the country?" she said in shock. I didn't know how to respond. Oh mom this guy named Jason, who just so happen to be apart of the biggest gang in the world,  lowkey kidnapped me but staged it as a runaway. Plus he got hella bucks so i'm fine in the finance department.

"Anastasia?" My mom said my name again bringing me back.

"How did you get across the country?" she asked again. I was about to make some lame excuse before the phone was taken away from my ear.

"Ms. O'Neil?" Jason said through the phone. The fuck? How he know my mama last name.

"Who is this?" My mom said in a firm tone.

"I'm Jason McCann, you're daughter's boyfriend." Jason said making my eyes widen.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" I could hear my mom's voice raise. Oh shit.

"Ms. O'Neil I would love to tell you everything, but, I would most definetly prefer to do it in person. Asia and I will be on your doorstep next Sunday at 1:00 in the afternoon." My mom was silent.

"Put Anastasia back on the phone." my mom demanded.

Jason handed me the phone.

"Mama?" I said.

"Anastasia Marie Lopez what the hell is going on? How the hell are you not going to tell me about some stupid boyfriend you have?! I don't care! Baby- just please come home." my mom said breaking off into tears.

"Mama don't cry." I said tears dropping from my eyes.

"I love you." my mom croaked through the phone.

"I love you too Mama." I said.


I cut this chapter short out of special reasons.

sorry it took so long writers block

llllloooovvvveee yooouuuu

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