7~ Realization

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I felt a large hand lightlygrab the bottom of my face and make me look up. Anger built up in me and I immediatley slapped his hand away from me. I quickly stood up from the bed and glared at Jason.

"I fucking hate you! You sick creeping bastard!" I yelled before turning around and booking towards the closest door. I opened it and it led to a small bathroom. I turned behind me and I locked the door. I crawled towards the cornerand hugged my knees as I sobbed.


Jason POV

"Baby! Open the door!" I yelled through the door to Asia. I herd no movement on the otherside of the door. My face started to heat up since she wasnt listening to me.

"ANASTASIA! OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I demanded banging on the door. Light footsteps were herd shuffling to the door and a lock being turned. The door cracked open and Asia's eyes peaked at me threw the door. Tears were running from her eyes and her lids were puffy.

I calmed down and my face dropped.

"Why are you crying babe?" I asked trying to grab her. She looked at me as if i was an idiot.

"You took me away from my family. My friends. My life because of your selfish wants. Your sick." she spat with venom. My heart clenched at the sound. My face started to heat up again.

I tightly grabbed her arm and pulled her into my body.

"Your right. I am selfish. But i have taken care and protected you for four years now and I plan on keeping it that way. We are going to be together forever now. We are going to live together. We will get married. And we will have kids together. We are meant to be together you just havent realized it yet. Dont ever use that tone with me again, or there will be consequences. Understand?" I said through my teeth.

Asia looked up at me with big eyes and nodded her head. Her eyes started to water again. I let go off my tight grip and looking down at her arm where my hand print now was. Fuck. I can never stop.

I looked back in her eyes and she was already looking at me. My stomach flipped. I lightly grabbed her hips and she just stood still. I squeezed her hips a little and pulled her closer to me.

"vous êtes si belle." I whispered to her in my native language, French. She gaave me a cofused face. Sometimes I don't mean to speak it, it just comes out. Especially when I'm comfortable with the person.

"You are so beautiful." I said in english. Her cheeks lit up but she looked away.

"Mr.McCann we are about to land in California. Please buckle you seat up." the intercome sounded.

Asia POV

My eyes widen. California? I looked over at Jason but he was grabbing my hand and leading me to the air plane seats.

I sat and buckled my seat. I could feel the plane start decline and I started to get nervous.

Where are we going in California? What is he going to do with me? Is he really keep me around, or sell me to some crazy sex trade?

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