Chapter 2: As Sons and Brothers

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Zhian quickly exited the pavilion, his mind whizzing with profiles and specialties of all the Etas and Upsilons he knew. He was so lost in thought that he nearly forgot about his father, jumping when his father laid a hand on his shoulder to stop him. If it weren't for the familiar scent of eucalyptus, Zhian would've swung.

"Whoa there, is this your way of telling me I'm too slow?" Han joked. They began walking again—albeit at a slower pace than what Zhian was trying to go before—in the direction of their house. "So what did Soleva want? Or is it a secret?"

The streets were quieter due to the dusk approaching slowly. Lamplighters—Phi who needed to get out their remaining energy—ran down the roads laughing, either playfully trying to blow out the torch of another or even shifting into their wolf forms to nip at their friends' heels. Zhian and Han were occasionally greeted by Sigma's closing up shop with Han being sent either a respectful, "Good evening, Delta," or a short acknowledgment on how long the meeting lasted this time. There were a few who greeted Zhian, as well, mostly friends or peers while sending a small bow towards his father. The Wardmanns were somewhat known for their interesting dynamic, after all.

"She asked if I could give a list of who I thought would benefit most going to the Firstdawn Pack. I honestly don't think it's a bad idea; I didn't mean to object so much, but..." Zhian pressed his lips in a thin line.

"Is there more to your concern?"

"...A bit more."

Han waited for Zhian to continue. Zhian let out a heavy sigh.

"There are a few personal concerns. I know not all packs are like this, but it's still more common for alphas and male betas to become warriors." Zhian huffed. "Last we visited the Firstdawn Pack, that was definitely the case. Also not to mention, historically the purpose of the exchange was to promote good ties amongst packs, yes, but you can't deny that alphas and male betas used it to find a mate."

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel safe?" Han asked sincerely.

"It's not that I feel unsafe—I wasn't elected as a Zeta for no reason—but...yes. I guess I'm just preparing for encounters." Zhian shook out his hands at the thought. "And I know other omegas who won't feel very comfortable about this, as well."

Han hummed. "I'll talk to the other Deltas about this, then. We should set up some boundaries and establish rules that the Firstdawn warriors need to follow. Maybe restrict access to part of the village."

"Maybe the main living quarters. They'll be staying in the guest dorms, right?"


"Good. We can finally get some use out of it."

Zhian suddenly straightened as quick steps ran up from behind, and he pivoted just in time to catch his assailant by the arm. Using his assailant's momentum, Zhian easily flipped the other over his shoulder. The assailant let out a yelp and coughed when he hit the ground.


"Don't start complaining yet," Zhian said, crouching so he could push auburn hair out of his assailant's—his little brother's—bright green eyes. "You were too loud, by the way. I heard you from a mile away."

"Father, Zhian's being a prick again," Arc complained as he sat up, reaching back to weakly shove Zhian as the other started laughing.

"Well, I can't say you didn't deserve it for trying to attack him from behind," Han grinned, nodding an acknowledgment towards his third son, Rion, as he approached calmly. Rion nodded back but shifted his attention to his twin on the ground with concealed mirth.

"And did you really expect to surprise Zhian? Legend has it, the man is so high strung that he can hear—"

Han stepped back in time as Zhian swiftly swept Rion's feet from under him, cutting Rion off and causing him to land the same fashion his twin had. Arc immediately guffawed at his twin's misfortune. Zhian then stood, dusted his hands, and looked ahead with a satisfied smirk.

"Alright, we can go now," Zhian said before striding forward, Han following behind while chuckling at his sons' antics.

"What?! You're going to just leave us here?"

"If you don't stand up, yes."

Arc groaned as he stood, grumbling a few words under his breath as he caught up to Han and Zhian. Rion followed suit, but much more silently.

"You're terrible. An awful, no-good brother. You fiend."

"I sincerely apologize from nowhere in my heart," Zhian said dryly, but he soon caved and looped his arms around their necks to pull them down—lanky menaces were a head taller than him despite being five years younger—giving both of them an affectionate nudge; the scent of damp earth and an oncoming storm surrounding him. "What are you two doing out so late? Training?"

"An errand." Rion escaped Zhian's hold but stuck close to his side. Arc, on the other hand, was a bit clingier and actively used their older brother as an armrest. "Mother told us to start dinner since she'll be back later. The hunting party arrived back and there was a bit of an accident."

"Is everyone alright?" Han asked.

"They'll live," Arc shrugged, "but one's going to be off his legs for a while, it looks like. The oldest Orsen."

"Ah. So he won't be able to take part in the exchange."


Zhian waved his hand dismissively. "I'll tell you later. Let's get home and hope Mother won't come home to a burned-down house."

"That was one time!"

Siblings, am I right? Vote if you agree!

Now I'm curious. How many siblings do you have (if any)?

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