Dangerous Creatures

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"uhg.." I woke up groggy. My skull felt fuzzy. What the fuck happened again? I was.. we were looking at poisonous plants and.. uh.. something happened? "red! hey bud, relax.." Sans was before me, wearing a strained grin. His sockets showed worry. Why was he worried? "mah head.." I slurred. "it's ok. you'll be fine now. it's just a side effect.." He hoped. He didn't actually know. I tried to focus. "what happened..? what's wrong with ya..?" I grumbled,trying to get my facts straight. "uh.. ya saved my life, but got poisoned in the process. sakonean saved ya.."
"th' forest?" Sans struggled to find the words. "kinda. more like the heart. a physical manifestation of sakonean."
"physical- a body?" He nodded. Shit. The fuckin forest has a body now. "while you were out, i moved camp. didn't need any predators thinkin ya were prey." I nodded slowly. "right, right.." Always talking about these predators, but what are they? "sans." His attention went to me. "hm?"
"i want ya ta tell me what is in this forest. wanna know th' fuck 'm dealin with." Sans paused. "yeah, suppose you'd need to know that, huh? alright, if you think you can stay awake long enough."


"so there are plenty of dangerous creatures in sakonean. i'll give you the most common ones for now. there is a basilisk. singular."
"wha's that?" I asked. Couldn't say I heard of such a thing. "a basilisk is a large serpent of dark origin. king of serpents, actually. he can't be touched or you'll die. he can't see you or you'll die."
"oh, how wonderful.." I grumbled sarcastically. "there are vampires.."
"blood suckin, dead creatures in monster form." Sans nodded. "incubi. male sex demons who charm others into breeding with them."
"oh great.."
"chimeras, fire breathing hybrids with a lion forebody, goat head and hindquarters, and a serpent head for a tail."
"that shits real? fuckin hell. manticores too?" I was gettin real curious now. "manticores too." Shiiiiit. "what else?"
"aren't they some cannibal beast?"
"it's an evil spirit, usually in the form of a deer like creature with long arms and fingers with claws. it's hind legs are hooves and it's face is typically that of a skull. they are cannibalistic by nature." I was extremely happy Sans found me first. "anything else?"
"... werewolves."
"suppose a pack a those 'll tear me apart."
"they.. can be dangerous." Sans tilted his head. "you still look tired. you should sleep some more." I shook my head. "you're still recovering. i can take watch tonight."


Rest did wonders and that memory blank was starting to fill up. I'd gotten cut by some predatory lilly. Can't remember the name right now. I thought about how lucky I was that Sans found me instead of a manticore or chimera or wendigo. Heh. That guy's been nothing but a help. I woulda died my first night here if not for him. I was grateful. What was Sans anyway? He looked like a normal guy. There was nothing really weird that I noticed, outside the forest itself. This whole place was weird as fuck. He didn't act like no predator. He was just a guy, that knew this place. He was born and raised here. I think. He made it seem that way. He said something about his family when that phoenix, Grillbz, was there. So yeah. He had to have been born and raised here. I wondered if I could ever meet them. "the fuck am i talkin about, he's not gonna stick around once i can survive on my own. just helpin tell i know how ta live.." Looking out, I could see his blue hoodie. His back was turned to me as he stared out into the woods. I bet he missed home. I kinda kept him away from it with my own selfish needs. I couldn't say I particularly missed Fell, I missed Grillby, but that was it. My dad was an abusive fuck and so was Papyrus. He'd make a better heir than I would. I was only going to be pawned off to fucking Swapfell anyway. I sighed. I was better off here with Sans.

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