A Manticore and A Chimera

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"Your back.." G noted immediately as I came into the dining hall. "i am."
"DID YOU FIND HIM?" Cinnamon asked. "i did."
"and?" Mafia quirked a bone brow. "and what?" Red asked, smirking. Dance, I noticed was looking relieved while Outer was bristling with aggression. No way in hell will I let him touch Red. It's not my fault I wasn't interested. He could find someone better, I know he can. He's just got to be patient. "welcome back, red. i thought you'd be gone for good." Mafia grinned while G growled. "You shouldn't have come back.." A growl threatened to escape me, but it was cut off as Red wrapped his arms around me, chin on my shoulder. "nope, i'm never leaving again." Papyrus looked completely, utterly, supremely happy. "YES, YES, YES, YES!" Red and I grinned at his excitement. As I thought, Mafia and Dance looked approving too. "we'll start preparations immediately." G and Outer were less than pleased, Outer snarling at Red. "you... you..." I immediately felt bad as Outer ran out with tears in his sockets. "This is a MISTAKE Sans!" G growled before stalking out. "... that went terrible." Red stated. "it went about as well as i expected it to go."


I walked with Red back to his cabin after dinner where we snuggled on the couch until he fell asleep. I'd tucked him in afterwards and Mafia, Papyrus, Dance, and I took shifts guarding Red from the other two. "i'm sorry about this, i'm sure it's putting a strain on your relationship with g.." Mafia huffed. "couples get in fights, it's a natural thing. i just wish he'd see that not all mages are like that glitchy bastard.. go rest alpha, your lover is safe, rest assured. They weren't the only ones either. Red had set those alarm wires on every entrance and exit. He and the wolf on guard would know if anyone went after him. These were all just precautions though, nobody knew if either would actually go after him or when it would be. Surely Outer and G didn't want to suffer the wrath of their alpha if Red was harmed. But love does stupid things. Outer knew he couldn't go after Red alone, but he desperately wanted the mage GONE. So he went out in search for something that could do that.


I checked on Red when the sun came up. He wasn't asleep though. In fact, he was staring out through the window. "morning red.." I kissed his cheekbone. "does something seem... off... to you?" Red asked, leaning into me. "off? off how?" I asked. "nobody attacked me at all. not even outer.. how long has it been since you've seen the guy?"
"i tried to find him and talk to him last night... i think he was on a run though. needed some time alone and all that." I said. He nodded. "c'mon. let's eat." I eased, pulling him towards the door. As we started to the hall, I heard a roar, making both Red and I freeze in place. "that was a manicore.." Red started running towards it. "red!?"
"i think outer ran into trouble!" Was his quick reply. Oh fuck! "get on!" I shifted as he looked to me. "got it!" He tried to he quick but careful, and when I was sure he was secure on me, I took off in the direction of the roar, howling for my pack to be follow and be ready for a fight.


The situation became worse when I caught the Chimera's scent. A Manticore AND a Chimera?! Stars, what'd Outer get himself into.. a yelp from said wolf had me running faster and as we broke through the foliage and into the clearing, Red shot attacks out at the beasts. I recognized Dust as the Chimera immediately, Phantom the goat head was using their shared snake tail to attack a wounded Outer. Luckily the attacks Red threw blocked the attack. The Manticore had a pale face with blueish grey fur and a thick black mane. It had black wings and a white stinger. What made Killer unique from other Manticore's was the ginger 'target' fur patch on his chest and his pitch black eyes. They are a feared duo. I snarled at them anyways. Nobody and I mean NOBODY. Touches. My. Pack. I shot forward with Red providing backup with his magic. "fuck off ya giant pushy cats!" Red summoned blasters to further distract them, myself and the rest of the pack, who were now breaking out of the trees, started our own assault. Biting than backing off as not to get hit, only to attack again at a different angle. With Red continually blasting them, it wasn't long before the duo was retreating. "outer! ya ok man..?" Red asked, staggering over to the wolf who was staring at him, bewildered.

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