The Other Mage

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We left Error at the edge of Sakonean. The Kingdoms could take care him. Against my better judgment I even left a note for my dad and bro.

Hey ya pricks. Left ya a lil gift. Have fun with 'im. See ya never!

-The Rouge Prince

Whether they knew it was me due to my shitty hand writing or not, I didn't fucking know. It's not like they would come looking for me and I DEFINITELY wasn't going back. I found my place with Sans and the pack. Speaking of them though, they were with G now. I would have joined in, but knowing how G felt about me, I decided to keep my distance for now. I made a mental note to thank him later for not selling me out to Error and went to check on the mage turned Wendigo turned skeleton. Not confusing at all. Well, upon entering the cabin I could definitely say he wasn't in bed anymore. Nah, he was shoving food into his mouth and I mean whatever the hell he could fit in there. I didn't comment. He didn't notice. I think. As soon as he was satisfied (I think) he froze.


He turned his skull slowly to peer at me with a large red pupil. "..." He hummed, though it easily reminded me of a growl. "heya pal, how ya feelin now thatcha stuffed yer face?" I asked rather bluntly. I wasn't going to show fear. "... better.." He replied slowly. I gave him a thumbs up. "good, cause i don't want ya ta try and kill me again." He blinked, stood up and fully faced me. "you're the mage who saved me." I shrugged. "i mean.. yeah, i guess. i jus' wanted ta survive.." Still his smile widened. "thank you for your kindness, mage. i won't forget this." Stars what the fuck do I do!? "i's the wolves ya should be thanking, i blacked out.." I replied awkwardly. "the wolves.." He looked around. "oh. this is a werewolf hut. i see. so where is the pack? the alpha?" There was a dangerous edge to his tone, like he was ready to murder. "one of their own was wounded so everyone's over there with 'im. error attacked." Horror's posture tensed. "e r r o r ." He seethed. "is gone. we took care 'f 'im. won't be messing with us anytime soon."


Horror seemed to relax at that. "take me to the wolves. please." I nodded. "ya ok to- oh yep, neva mind." He walked to the door and flung it open hard. He looked from his hand to the door than his hand again. I'm pretty sure that's not normal. "chill bud. outer's probs got an answer that. c'mon this way." I lead the way to Outer's cabin as Horror mumbled, "outer..?" I snapped my phalanges. "ah right. i'm red by th' way. outer's th' pack healer." He nodded as I knocked on the door. "horror." Sans opened the door. "just in time, sweetheart. good afternoon, horror, took you long enough. come in and i'll have outer check on ya." Horror blinked. His memories must be muddled or something. I took Sans hand as he led us into the cabin which smelled insanely of different dried herbs. "oh my stars this is outer's place!?" Outer looked at me. "what's wrong with my place?" He asked defensively. "dude. it stinks." I replied. "i'm a healer, what do you expect?" I shrugged. "outer, horror's here as well, if you could check him." Outer nodded. "yes alpha." He disappeared, pulling the confused skeleton along.

2 chapters left

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