Chapter 13: VOLTRA

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I stopped by my seat slowly looking at the girl beside me. Y/n is standing infront of her seat looking coldly to the front. The amount of money attracted Ejo Jo and the previous Seven Million woman who offered.

"E-Excuse me?" Ejo Jo stuttered by the sudden blast of cash mentioned all over the auditorium. Everyone is looking at us. It seems like no one expected such amount like that.

"Ten billion cash. I'll double it up if you want... ONE HUNDRED BILLION" Y/n raised the price. Everyone seems to not want to battle against her price it's so high. They all must have been thinking she's crazy.

"S-SOLD! TO MR. BERSELIONS SECRETARY" Ejo Jo finally got the deal. We overjoyed. Yaya and Ying went to leave to get Buildbot and Suitbot hidden in the Auditorium. Fang, Gopal, me and Y/n went to the front to take Wishbot and give the suitcase full of fake money.

It's won't be easy to see if it is Fake because it's Buildbot who made it.

We took Wishbot, Fang carrying wishbot in his hands. We gave Ejo Jo the money, he is overjoyed. I can't wait what he will say when he finds out it's fake.

"Wait!" the female who offered seven million earlier went up the stage. Ejo Jo seemed to be surprised by her presence.

"Y-You are.... CAPTAIN VREY"

Captain Vrey?

We all looked at each other but Fang seemed tk be uneasy. We went near him as he whispers. "I know her, she was once my brother's ally but she betrayed him for greed" Fang says as we look at the girl. The girl is looking at Y/n in a glare. Y/n on the other hand is glaring back.

"Give me the power sphera... NOW" she demanded. Everyone in the auditorium started leaving in a hurry. Well it looks like something is not gonna go right.

"Hah? What if I say no? Got a problem with that?" Y/n ranted back.

"H-Hey you can't talk to her like that-"

"SHUT UP EJO JO!" Y/n and Vrey both yelled at the square head alien. Borara came dragging Ejo Jo to the corner to keep him out of trouble. Y/n and the captain Vrey had an intense stare with each other. I swear I can see a spark between their gazes.

Then the worse have happened. "HAND OVER THE POWER SPHERA IF YOU DON'T WANNA DIE" she pointed a blaster on Y/n alerting me and Fang. Gopal, he ran away to where Yaya and Ying is. They are by the exit door holding Buildbot and Suitbot.

They nodded with eager looks in their eyes. I guess we will escape the hard way huh?

"I'd like to see you try" Y/n finally talked but it angered Captain Vrey. She shoot Y/n but I had time to push Y/n away and grabbed her hand and ran out the door. Fang followed carrying Wishbot.

While running we heard Ejo Jo's voice. "THE MONEY IS FAKE! AFTER THEM"

Looks like they have found out huh?

"Captain Kaizo, we got the three power spheras" Ying called out on her watch.

"We're already outside the planet, we can't go down.... We have heard Vrey have landed in the planet as well"

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