Another Day #1

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Straight into it! TW: mild language, NO SMUT IN THIS STORYLINE. Legit the closest I will get to that sh** is a slight mention and THATS IT.

No hate ✌️


Ashleigh's POV.

"Ash! Get up" I moan and roll over at the sound of my mother's voice, pulling the blanket over my head. What was it with Year 10 and getting up so early these days? Besides, I had stayed up most of the night taking care of a book series I was editing, called "Days of Midnight"(I'm not actually writing this it's just something I made up).

"NOW!" She yells out on the other side of my door. I keep ignoring her. It was only Monday afterall. Eventually, she gets sick of waiting for me to get up by myself and flings my door open to come over and pull the convers off my body. When she does this, instead of getting up, I had worn my super comfy PJs to bed, so it had no effect.

"I swear one of these days you'll be the death of me child" she says under her breath, rolling her eyes at my lazy behaviour. At that moment, I hear a ringing coming from atop my dresser. I open an eye and catch a glimpse of my phone, it's screen lighting up the dark room. Mum sees this and just as I'm about to get up, she looks towards it. I eyes open in horror. She wouldn't...

As fast as lightning, I sit up straight and bolt over to where my phone is sitting on the dresser, practically pushing mum out of the way to get to it before her, but somehow she still wins. She holds up my phone as high as she can, and as I'm jumping up to try and get it back, it stops ringing. I might be tall for my age, but she's still taller.

At the sound of silence, I stop jumping and send her a razor-sharp glare and sighed. Rolling my eyes at the daily display, I slouch and cross my arms.

"What do you want for it?" I ask, holding out one of my hands. She motions to the cupboard, telling me to get ready for school with her face. I sigh and walk over to my wardrobe as slow as I could, shuffling my feet along the floor. Talk about Monday-itis.

"You know you choose new seats today? Weren't you going to meet up with Jayden about something today?"


I immediately jump up and run around the house trying to get ready. As I pass my alarm clock, I see that it's 7:43am. I'm supposed to see him in 2 minutes! With a hairbrush in my mouth, I'm tying my hair up, putting my boots on and getting dressed all at once. As I'm hopping down the hallway, I hear my mother mutter, "amazing what a crush will do", she says, and as I pop past the doorway to my room, I poke my head in.

"I don't have a crush!" I exclaim whilst grabbing my skateboard that was leaning up against the doorframe before heading outside and slamming the door. I run down to the front gate when I remember something. My phone! I quickly grab the house keys out of my denim pockets and run inside up to mum who was at the kitchen bench cutting up some fruit for herself.

"Phone" I say, holding out my hand. I feel the cool case of my phone being placed in the palm of my hand. "Thanks mum see you later!" I say, hurriedly grabbing an apple slice and heading out the door.

I close the latch on the gate behind me and calmly check the time on my phone. 7:44am. I have one minute to travel 7 blocks. Not too hard, right? Terribly hard. In a rush, I flip my skateboard down and start skating as fast as I can toward the school.


I can see the edge of the school staircase in the distance. Sweet. I turn the final bend and jump off my skateboard once I'm in front of him so that I can hold it up instead of having to leave it laying on the ground. I look around and see Jayden leaning against the rails halfway up the school stairs.

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