We'll Meet Again

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*sorry I've been offline for so long* *but I'm back now* *obvs* OKAY so this is a random one- does not fall into place with 3 main ones nor is it related. Enjoy! Or dont enjoy, I dont rlly care all that much. Medieval times. Scratch that, its modern.


Adair kneeled on a cliff, away from the bustling city lights, hands folded in his lap as he looked to the sky with his eyes closed. Soon enough, a voice could be heard fill the air.

"It's been a long day, without you my friend" He began, singly quietly but freely as he was miles away from any sign of human civilization, let alone another soul. "And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again" Silence filled the air around him, although it felt as if someone was standing directly behind him, although there was nothing there. "We've come a long way from where we began" As he continued singing the melody, it began raining softly. No thunder, no lightning. Just a soft sprinkle of rain began to pour down, few drops catching his skin. Some way behind the young man, the small translucent raindrops began pausing in midair and clinging to one another. "Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again" He finished, a lone tear falling down his left cheek.

"Why are you crying?" A calming voice asked from behind him, the figure slowly walking forward to lay a gentle hand on his shoulder, kneeling beside him. The figure was a young woman of maybe 19 or 20(around the same age as Adair) with long white hair and a dress made of lace that reached almost to her ankles. The man sighed and laid his head on her shoulder.

"I miss her" He said simply, and Rain nodded, gently running a hand through his dark brown hair.

"I miss life back on earth, too" The girl replied. "But for now we just have to wait until you can find each other again. I've found you, but now you need to find me" She resumed in a quiet voice as they stayed, staring with glassy eyes at the bizarre sunset that occurred in their current universe.

Little did Adair know, but Rain would forever be with him. She was called Rain because of the fact that her spirit would always be there to help divert the raincloud above his head- her love was always raining down on both of them- earth or not.


If u understood any of that, tell me 😂

I understand, but I'm a bit insane- my reality and fantasy worlds have a habit of clashing together most days(yeah i just got out of like 6 months of heavy therapy/councelling and im still not quite right 🙂)

Emily OUT-

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