Axes or iPhones Info Page/#1

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So this is the time travel story. Like I said, the stories are all mixed up meaning I might have Another day and then Axes or iPhones and then another day and then the star and the storm, etc.

Description of story: Abigail(Emily/Cassandra from Dimentions- now discontinued *yes im sorry!*) teleports the gang into the modern world. How will they cope? Sometime during S5 of RTTE where its not too hectic. If there is a spot for that.

NOW BEFORE WE GET STARTED: umm ok so I think I need to clear up a few things. This page is basically just an info/description page, and its a good idea to read it otherwise it might not make all that much sense.


Ok so a little backstory: Emily/Cassandra(Now Abigail) was one day randomly teleported to the edge aaaand yeah. So basically she became friends with them and has basically been like a guide almost ever since and yadayadaya u get the idea. I also changed it so that she's 17 instead of 13 just to make the age gap smaller for whatever reason. Wow that was shorter than I was planning. mmm maybe we can write the first chapter on here afterall. LETS GO!

No hate (Im writing this chapter on my laptop atm and its super hard to do my usual line break so im changing it for the ones I write on my laptop, and my usual ones I wrote on my iPad)


Abigail's POV.

I slump back on my chair, bored out of my mind. I do NOT feel like doing homework right about now. It's boring, not needed, and takes up way too much time. Maybe I could sneak away to Dragons Edge for a bit? I think about it for a while longer before deciding not to. My parents wouldn't know where I was this time of day, and I doubt they would believe I went through the fourth wall and back in time to another dimension. Sounds crazy enough just thinking about it.

I sit back up with a sigh and pick up my pencil again. Although my parents are out of the house on a business trip right now... maybe..? No. I shouldn't. This is when I hear a faint ding coming from around my wrist. Although I am often in a different dimension to them, we still have ways of communicating. Before I left the first time, the gods gifted me with a bracelet that would ding once and glow faintly whenever my presence was requested, and it allowed me to go from one dimension to the next, a direct line with no interference from other realms. Pretty cool, right?

"Wellll... I suppose I couuuuld... just for a little... and besides, they need me! pshh... Well I'll be back soon anyways probably maybe possibly..." I wonder, outvoting my earlier descision and click the button that allows me to teleport into the other dimension.

When I open my eyes again, I'm standing in the corner of the clubhouse, which was where I usually appeared, but the only people in sight were Ruff and Tuff, who were standing in the entrance staring at me with their mouths open.

"What?" I asked, closing the dial on my bracelet. All of a sudden, Tuffnut looked at his sister and grinned evilly before punching her in the stomach and doing a weird happy dance sort of thing whilst I just stood here and watched it go down.

"See sis! I told you she would come!" He shouted, receiving a glare and a punch from his twin.

"Yeah, I can see that! It's still not cool to mess with stuff like this bro!" Ruff shouted back at the male twin who was curled up on the ground getting kicked in the ribs by his sister.

As I was trying to comprehend what I just watched(with entertainment, actually), Snotlout began walking past the entrance, struggling to push a massive cart of trash past and down to the dump pile.

"What happened here?" I asked semi-loudly, gesturing to the two siblings rolling around on the floor, wrestling each other.

"Oh they were placing bets as to if you would come if Tuffnut just randomly pressed the button" He replies casually, not the least bit surprised to see me here.

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