Axes or iPhones #2

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Straight into it. U know what I might just not do A/N's at the start of chapters unless I have something to say... hmm... eh i'll think abt it.

No hate


Abigail's POV.

I sit up and rub my head. I have a minor headache, but looking around I see no other side-effects. Yet.

"Well... That was eventful" I sigh, standing up and twisting, cracking my back in the process and stretching my joints to get a satisfying click. I breath out contently and look at my bracelet- a little busted up and looks like it was almost burnt, but its fixable otherwise. Recounts of what happened cloud my mind. "Huh. Wonder what that was all about" I say, thinking out loud as I begin the short walk to my bedside table.

Halfway there I stumble over something and very nearly fall flat on my face, my hands catching me before I hit the floor. "What the-?" I mumble to myself, before quickly picking myself up. I wasn't exactly the one to complain or whine when I fell over. As soon as I'm standing, I turn around to see what I had tripped over, and saw a familiar tall, thin boy with blonde dreadlocks spread out on the floor, asleep. Tuffnut!?

I scan the room and as I do, I see that not only has the rest of the gang been teleported here with me, but there were also 7 animals snoozing- most of then on top of the people. A black cat, a blue and yellow parrot with a hint of green and orange, a tan and white Jack Russel, a reddy-brown flying squirrel, two identical green and yellow splotted pythons and a pretty silver blue-tongued lizard. Hold up- SNAKES?? YEAH NO.

I half squeal and jump up onto the bed, before remembering that they weren't snakes at all and sat down, crossing my legs. They were probably Barf and Belch... which means... Toothless must be the cat, Stormfly is probably the parrot, Meatlug must be the Jack Russel, Windshear must be the lizard and Hookfang must be the flying squirrel...

The noise of tiny pawsteps sounds next to me, and I flick my gaze over to meet face to face(literally) with Toothless the cat. He has his furry forehead pressed against mine, staring into my eyes as if to say "what have you done?".

"Well I dont know Toothless! One second all was good and the next all was bananas. Wait why am I talking to a cat?" I ramble on slightly, and Tooth-cat slowly back away from my face, still staring me down as he considers what I just said, before letting out a clear meow and sits down next to me, his head and a paw resting against my left thigh and I begin to gently stroke his fur.

Pretty soon, I had Toothless on one side of me, Meatlug on the other, Stormfly on my shoulder, Windshear on my head, Barf lazing over the back of my neck, Belch wrapped loosely around my left arm and Hookfang sitting on my right foot. Well, holding onto my right foot.

I had of course teleported much more than the others had, so it made sense that I woke up long before them, and the dragons- I- I mean, animals- were way more alert than the others. Not even Snotlout was awake yet, and Hookfang the Squirrel had actually bitten him several times when he woke up and saw he didn't know where he was. All the while I just sat here and watched the show. It was pretty entertaining, actually.

After what must have been another hour of waiting, I glance at the clock. They had been out for quite some time. I better get reinforcements. I look around and spot my phone sitting on the edge of my bed. Being covered literally head to toe in animals, I couldn't move far enough to get it.

"Hey Toothless" I whispered, the cats head pricking up at the sound of my voice. "You see that weird black box over there?" I say, nodding my head gently in the direction of it so as not to send Windshear flying into oblivion, and Toothless corresponded by meowing. He understood that I needed it and lazily stood up and stretched before walking over to the contraption and picking it up in his teeth and bringing it over, placing it in my outstretched hand. I give him a quick pat on the head in response as he purrs slightly.

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