Another Day #2

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Straight into it.

(2023 edit: Important A/N at the bottom of the chapter)


Jayden's POV.

"Now whilst a plant may seem as if its simple, it is in fact..." I hear the teachers voice ringing in my ears. How is it the last class of the day already? That went extremely fast.

I lay my head down on the desk and look over to where Ashleigh's sitting at the desk next to me. I can see she's resting her cheek on her left hand, which is propped up against the desk with her elbow, whilst twirling a pencil in her other hand. I can tell she's not enjoying it either. I then watch as she writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to me whilst Mrs. Margerie isn't looking. I sit up properly and open the note.

Im going to die of boredom soon- A.H.(Ashleigh Henderson)

I flip the note over and use my pencil to write a message back and pass it over. Tell me about it- J.M.(Jayden Miller)

As she opens the note, I see her half giggle before grabbing another small note out and writing on it again. She then passes it to me quickly as Mrs. Margerie turns to write something on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

So... any plans for this afternoon?- A.H.

I sort through my brain to see if I have anything on, and then once I have made sure I dont, I flip the note over. Nah. You?- J.M.

It isn't long before I get a reply. Nope. You want to come over after school?- A.H.

Ofc. It'll be better than going home and having to do the dishes- J.M.

As I hand it over, Ashleigh starts scribbling on another note to pass over when the teacher calls her name.

"Miss Henderson? Miss Henderson? MISS HENDERSON?" She hasn't noticed yet and I start to panic. If Mrs. Margerie catches her writing a note, she'll get detention for sure. I quickly lean over and nudge Ashleigh on the shoulder to get her attention, who then looks up at me and I motion slightly with my head that the teacher was calling her name. She sits up straight and she quickly looks around before answering.

"Yes, Mrs. Margerie?" She smiles innocently with her reply as she faces the scowl on the teachers face.

"Were you or were you not paying attention?" The teacher asks sternly.

"I was concentrating" Ash protested. Instead of just turning around and going to reading out questions, Mrs. Margerie walked over to stand in between our desks. She looks at Ashleigh then back at me before asking,

"Mr. Miller was Miss Henderson concentrating or was she passing notes in my class?" she asked, warning signs blaring in my head. Mrs. Margerie could be pretty scary at times.

"She was paying attention, Mrs. Margerie" I protest, backing her up, however she was still not convinced.

"Alright then. Miss Henderson, what did I say the difference was between Section A and Section B?" She questioned, and I could see the look of panic spread across her face. Luckily, I had and answer sheet under my desk so I took a quick look and did a bunch of hand signals to her behind the teachers back.

"Well, Mrs. Margerie, you said that in Section A, the main cell is from a plant as it has a cell wall, whereas Section B's main cell is from an animal as it only has a cell membrane(true fact- learnt it in science. idk when this book will be released but probs in 2022 sometime)" Ashleigh answered matter-of-factly, much to the elderly woman's shock and annoyance that she couldn't dismiss someone to detention today. Without a word, Mrs. Margerie turned around and walked back to the front of the class. Ashleigh mouthed a quick 'thank you', to which I mouth back 'no worries', and the lesson continues for another half hour.

*after school*

Me and Ashleigh are walking home from school in comfortable silence when we decide to start talking again.

"Hey Ash isn't it your birthday tomorrow?" I ask her, to which she looks at me and nods.

"Yeah it is, why?" She asks. She's really forgotten, hasn't she? I roll my eyes. This was so Ashleigh of her.

"Well you're turning 16, so you'll be getting your soulmate mark soon. Are you excited?" I explain before asking again. Her eyes widen as if realisation has just hit her like a brick.

"Oh yeah! Ha! I completely forgot about that!" She exclaims, facepalming playfully. "Of course I'm excited. Have any guesses on who my soulmate could be?" She asks curiously, already knowing im going to tease her about it.

I put a hand to my chin, dramatically pretending to think. "Hmm... Jason? You know, the Australian exchange student. He seems like 'your type'" She shakes her head.

"Nah. Too into... eh... stylish stuff. And besides I'm pretty sure he's gay, too" She says, clearly just going through a mental list, checking people off.

"Hmm... Well lets see... There's always Mackenzie. He's an idiot, but he's cool" I recommend again, thinking about the weird idiotic but popular kid at our school. She shakes her head again with a smile. I can tell she's both nervous and excited about this. Nervou-cited.

"Nah. He's too..." She tries summing it up with random hand gestures before settling on, "eh... Mackenzie" She says, breathing out a restrained breath.

"Okay then... What about... hmm... tough choice... me?" I ask, and she turns to look at me with a suspiciously confused face.

"I could stand it. Hey it'd be better than Clinton that's for sure!(obvs no offense to anyone named Clinton)" She replies, gesturing to the weird kid in our class with frizzy red hair and a face almost completely covered in freckles, and somehow he always seemed to be sick or snuffly. I shrug with an innocent look on my face.

"Fair enough. I would only barely be able to stand me though" I chuckle softly, earning a look that says 'oh same here'.


Important A/N

This was another one of the drafts I had saved when I was going through to discontinue this book so enjoy whatever I've written in its unedited form as I haven't read through it.

- Emily4312

Random Made Up Oneshots(discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant