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Locking up my small café after a long days work, I look to the sky. Conveniently, it was full of thick grey clouds and small water droplets began to fall onto the earth below. Rain, great, I think to myself as I begin my long walk home. I had no protection from the rain as it was freezing cold on my skin, however I persisted, taking step after step towards the building where my small apartment was situated. This city was ten times more beautiful when it rained- the water blending lights and cooling every surface in sight, dripping softly off the healthy green leaves of the trees that lined the streets nearby. As I feel my wet hair slip out of its low ponytale and drip over my shoulders and sending shivers down my spine, I feel someone call out from what sounded like not far behind me.

"Avery! Ave! Wait up!" I turn around to see my best friend Josh running to catch up before the pedestrian crossing light goes green, clutching an umbrella awkwardly as if it was about to fly away forever into the bright city lights.

"Hey Josh" I greet casually as he comes to stand next to me, holding the umbrella over both of us.

"Ave you're SOAKED!" He teased, gesturing to how much I was indeed soaked. I looked at him with an unamused glare, trying to hide the smile appearing on my face.

"Ya think?" I reply, and he laughs. Traffic is ridiculous today.

"You realise you could have called me to come pick you up instead of you walking back in the rain! Isn't it still another 3 kilometres?

"Okay, A. It usually isn't raining when I'm walking home, B. I don't trust your driving skills" I tease back, even though he got his licence at 16 and he was now 18, me being currently still 17.

"What? I'm not THAT bad!" I shook my head with a smile as we crossed the road after the light finally turned green.

"Suuuuure you're not..." I tease as we walk down the street towards where my apartment was located.

"Yeah, very funny" He said in a jokingly unamused before starting a new topic. "Anyways, how's life been?" He asked. It'd only been about 2 days since we saw each other last but at every 'reunion' as we called it, there'd usually be a lot to talk about.

"Boring, you?"

"Yeah, same. Apart from the fact I have 3 uni assignments due tomorrow that I've barely started, boring" He replies back, and I laugh at his usual antics.

"Me right now with school" I comment. "You're so lucky you've already graduated. You could've at least warned me that grade 12 was this hard!"

"I didn't think you'd need a warning!" He replied, hand up in surrender with the other was firmly gripping the umbrella as the rain was getting heavier. Just as I was about to talk, I heard my mom call out from above us.

"DEAR LORD CHILD! GET INSIDE BEFORE YOU CATCH A COLD!" She shouted from the undercover balcony. I'm currently living with my mother(Natalie), father(Daniel), grade 10 sister(Layla) and grade 7 brother(Samuel).

"COMING MOM" I shout back before turning to Josh as we walk into the lobby of the apartment complex. "There's NO privacy in my house, honestly! Ridiculous!" I smile and nod gently at the woman working at reception today and head up the 3 flights of stairs.

"Good thing I live alone" He chuckles quietly as we near my front door, located at the very end of the long hallway. The only reason we live so far from the actual staircase is because my mom wanted a balcony to have all her plants live on so she could be like one of those 'city moms' you see in the movies. We get to the door and I can hear sounds like pots clanging and my cat hissing loudly- almost as if we were in one of those cheesy animated children's movies.

"You're lucky" I whisper before the door flings open and mom grabs me by the arm, dragging me inside.

"Oh hello there Joshua!" My mother greets him as I stand behind her with an unamused look on my face. "Anyways have a nice day young man!



Yet another of the drafts I found saved so here it is, I dont know what happens bc I can't really remember and also It's been ages but enjoy lol

- Emily4312

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