Chapter 7: Memories

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Juvia thought about the first encounter she had with Gray:

Gray looked at me when him and I were battling. He was trying to defeat my guild.  I saw his face and my heart started pounding harder and harder. I fell in love. I went toward him but he moved back. He said he wouldn't have mercy for me since I was an enemy. I shot water at him but he deflected it. Distracted by his good looks, he shot an ice arrow through my heart but it dropped on the ground and shattered. I was made of water after all. I smiled.Soon I got defeated by him. He was walking away. I was about to fall down a building. I didn't care though. But he clutched my hand and saved me, laying me on the ground next to him. I had always been surrounded by darkness. It was raining right now because of my loneliness. I didn't think the storm would end. But as I laid on the ground, as he lectured me on how to be happy, that even if I was bullied before, I shouldn't care and I should move on, the clouds parted and the bright light shined on my face. I cried joyfully and thanked Gray for being my sunlight. That was the time I met him. I joined his guild in the hopes of spending more time with him. I knew I was going to have a great time....


In the midst of the darkness, there was a figure flickering in the distance. There was a radiant glow surrounding it. I could make out that it was a man. I walked towards him and put my hand out to reach out to him. Every step I took, he went further and further out of my grasp. I ran and ran not knowing where I was going....just following the glow of the figure. Suddenly, I heard a shot. I screamed and realized it rang near the figure in the distance. I could barely make out something piercing through the figure. Curiously, I went toward the figure lying on the ground. He did not seem to be breathing. The brightness of his body was dimming until there was complete darkness. Shocked with fright, I escaped the scene only to see his face popping in my mind. As much as I tried to wave the image away, it only appeared more clearly in my brain. I had no chance of escape. I stood in the darkness, trembling in fear, wondering whether I would see the light again....

Juvia woke up panting. It took a few seconds for her to realize it was simply a dream. Phew it was just a dream. Thankfully it wasn't real. Juvia looked around to make sure her assumption was correct, and got frightened when she saw the figure next to her. It was Gray. Juvia remembered what had happened. From Gray's death, she had bawled non-stop till she fainted out of fatigue. Then the nightmare had occurred. I wish I had stayed dreaming forever. In that eternal darkness. Then I wouldn't have to face this pain...the pain of being alone without Gray.


Meanwhile, Natsu was remembering a precious memory.

It was summertime. At the age of 7, Natsu was chasing Gray outside the guild. Gray ran towards the river near Lucy's apartment and Natsu spurted out a flame from his hands. Gray looked behind and attempted to shoot an ice cube at him. It missed and Gray avoided the flame. They were both panting.

 Gray yelled, "Why did you do that?! My hair could've caught on fire!"

 Natsu shouted back, "Too bad! At least I dodged the ice that would've melted all over my clothes!"

 "Shut up! Ice doesn't melt that fast!" Gray retorted.

 "Well my small flame wouldn't burn your hair either! Besides, you could just put your ice on my flame if your hair caught on fire. Haha except your hair would be wet then!" Natsu smirked. He wasn't looking where he was going and he fell into the river. He couldn't swim.

 "Gray! Gray!" Natsu shouted for help. He couldn't hold onto anything since there was only grass surrounding the river. Gray, who knew how to swim, dived in and rescued Natsu.

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