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Natsu's POV:

It's hard to believe that baby Raito isn't really a baby anymore. She's two and almost three years old as the year X803 ends. But before the year ends, baby Nashi should be born. Lucy is now 8 and 1/2 months pregnant and soon, we can be a happy family that we both have yearned for.

"Hey Natsu, what do you think Nashi will be like?" Luce asks me. I look over at her and then at her bulging stomach and smile widely.
"I think that she will have my hair, your eyes, and my hatred towards Gray." I laugh and lay beside Lucy on her bed as she giggles. I put my hands on her stomach and feel Nashi move around in there.
"My family," I whisper as I put my head and hands against Lucy's stomach, smiling. Lucy looks at me and smiles .
"Our family," she says to me.

Levy's POV:

Seeing Lu-chan pregnant is weird. It was weird seeing Mira pregnant too. Lately, I've seen Gajeel staring at Lu-chan's stomach a lot. Or maybe her boobs. I don't know, but whatever she has, I unfortunately don't. I feel like a huge let down for Gajeel. All the girls at Fairy Tail (even Wendy now) have big boobs and then there's me--short and average-busted. I don't even know how Gajeel manages to find me half the time.

Laxus' POV:

Gah, that stupid kid got Blondie pregnant, even though I told him not to. That Flame Idiot is going to burn his poor kid alive by accident!

A few days later

Lucy's POV:

Man! It hurts so much having kids! But I guess it is worth it. I mean it's amazing that 9 months creates another being inside of you. But baby Nashi is so beautiful. She has Natsu's grin and my eyes. She has no hair yet but she's pretty cheeky like Natsu. The other day, Natsu tried to feed Nashi fire. That only earned him a Lucy kick to the face.
"You don't EVER feed my kids fire, especially when they're babies, even if you're their dad," I lectured Natsu.
Natsu only grinned in response and I wonder if he understood any of the words I just said.

Natsu's POV:

I still can't believe that Nashi is ours and that I'm a dad! The other day, I tried feeding her my fire to see if she could eat it but Luce caught me in the act and kicked me in the face. It didn't hurt, it only made me and Nashi laugh. I ignored what Lucy said and played with Nashi. Nashi Dragneel.

Now it's X804 and it's Raito's birthday. Nashi is only 3 months old. Raito seems to enjoy playing with Nashi and she acts so much like Mira but sometimes, when she throws one of her famous tantrums, she's scarier than Erza. She's literally Laxus and Mira in her demonic form. One thing I've learned from Raito--make sure Nashi doesn't become like that.
Gajeel stays away from Raito and Nashi but does keep looking at them. I don't know whether he's scared of them or not. But that metal head better not touch my Nashi.

Gajeel's POV:

Shrimp's caught me a couple of times staring at the new kids of Fairy Tail. She also caught me staring when Natsu's bunny girl was pregnant. I keep my distance from Nashi because I know Flame Brain won't like it and then there's Laxus and Raito *shiver* man, I'd hate to see my punishment for being anywhere near Laxus' kid. Kids are actually pretty cute. A few years back, I hated them but now, I don't. I like them. Not in a child molesting way, but in a loving way. If I were to have any kids, I'd sing to them every night and teach them how to eat iron. Gehe. Being a dad would be fun.

It's nightfall and I've taken the Shrimp with me to the river and we laid down on the grass, staring up at the glittery sky and watching the stars light up the sky as Shrimp stayed by my side.
"Hey Gajeel," whispered Shrimp. She sounded sad.
"What?" I replied. It sounded harsher than intended. Why can't I seem like I care for her? I always sound so snappy and moody to her.
"Why do you keep staring at Lu-chan and the kids of Fairy Tail? Do you... Love... Lu-chan?" Her voice got quieter and quieter. Her words caused a lump in my throat and a pang in my chest. I sit up and look up at her.
"Levy," I flinch slightly as I use her name instead of her nickname "there is no way that I could love anyone else. You're the one I love, Shrimp." I gave her my smile and looked at her. She still looked sad and my smile faded away. "What's wrong Shrimp?"
"Oh. Nothing really." She curled up in a ball and I hugged her.
"Hey Shrimp, what are your opinions on kids?"
"They're okay I guess. Why?"
"Just wonderin'." I looked up at the night sky and the cool breeze of the night blows. I feel the Shrimp snuggle close to me. She's probably cold. Keep her warm idiot!
I hold her closer to me and tilt her face up to make her look at me.
"Hey Shrimp, have you ever thought about having a family and having kids?" Thank Mavis it was dark, otherwise she would have seen my blush as I spoke.
"Not really, but I like the sounds of it. Especially if the family's with you," she replied. I smiled and hugged her close to me. "But it doesn't mean I want kids right now," she added.
"It's fine." I can't wipe the smile off of my face and I pick the Shrimp up. "Come on, let's go back. You're cold aren't ya?" But I got no reply. She had fallen asleep in my arms, just like a baby would. I wonder what being a dad was like.

I carry the Shrimp back to Fairy Hills and call out to Wendy so she could take Shrimp in for me. Guys are forbidden from entering Fairy Hills.

Especially if the family's with you. Those words kept repeating in my head and I couldn't help but think about the future where I have a family with my Shrimp and our shrimpy kids.


"Gray-sama," Juvia called to Gray while in her bra and panties. Gray avoided looking at the blue-haired girl, not wanting to face her persistent question. 
"Look, I don't want kids just yet," he said calmly, a bit sternly, and ran into his room, locking the door.
"But, Gray-sama, Juvia wants to--"
"Juvia, I don't want kids!"
"But Juvia," she started to tear up, "Juvia wants a loving child with Gray-sama..." She felt a disappointing lump in her throat and she held her hands at her chest. Gray-sama is mad. Juvia should leave him be for now, she thought and a small tear escaped her eye.

Juvia went to her bed and lay awake that night. "Like all of Juvia's friends, Juvia wants kids with her beloved, but Gray-sama...," she whispered and began to hear a slight pitter-patter at her window.

The next morning...

Gray's POV:

"Hey, you don't look so good. What happened?" Asked Lyon. My eyes where half closed, half open, I was barely awake and I made sounds like a zombie.
"You can blame children for that," I mumbled as my eyes closed and my head drooped down but I hit the table with my head so I shot up.
"Children?" Lyon asks.
"Juvia keeps asking me that question, saying she wants kids but I told her that I didn't want any. Can't she understand that?" Lyon just laughed in response. "It's not funny, Elsa." I growled.
"Who are you calling Elsa? Mr. Gray?" He shot back. I shrugged at his attempt to insult me with fifty shades of grey.
"What kind of insult was that? I don't go around whipping people and...doing stuff...with them..." And my playful mood was gone again as the thought of the unnerving question continued to linger. It's a big responsibility, to be a dad. Nerve-wrecking. Maybe I do want a kid.. but...

Hey guys! I'm currently in Hong Kong and wifi at my house sucks so I won't be able to update a lot. But I will be back in England on the 10th of April. But please don't forget to comment, vote and follow. Thank you and love you guys.

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