The lonely boy

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Storm's POV

This is all my fault. I'm never going to stop looking for her. Even if I die looking for her. I should have kept her close, I should have made sure she was with me, I should have made sure she was okay! What if she's ill? What if she got really ill because of the cold and is buried under the snow, dying?

???'s POV

It's boring when you have no friends and when humans are scared of you. All I've wanted in the 10 years that I have been alive, is a friend. Someone to laugh with you. Someone to be there for you. Someone to talk to. Since the age of 9, I was allowed some freedom and now, I tend to go walk around places to escape my boredom. Today, I came to earthland with Raffie, my dragonite. A dragonite is what humans would call a pet. He's basically got the body of something called a horse and wings and head of a dragon. His feet are like a bird of prey's. He took me to a place named Magnolia and it was amazing. White powder covered everything like heaps of sugar! The naked broccoli thing apparently called a tree was dusted with the powder. I had never seen the white stuff before and when I touched it, it was cold and melted in my hand! As I kept exploring the thing called a forest, Raffie let out a screech as he stepped on something. I turned around to look at what had alarmed my dragonite and furrowed my eyebrows at the weird clump. I brushed away the white powder and widened my eyes. It was a human! What was it doing sleeping in the cold?! I looked at the human and gasped slightly as I saw a pool of red surrounding the snow around its head and noticed that the human had hit their head on a rock.

Check for a heartbeat or something.

I looked at Raffie "What for?"

To see if it's dead.

I sighed and put two fingers on the human's neck and felt nothing. "It's dead." I sighed and I turned the body over a little so it was laying on its back. I could see a large cut on the left side of the human's face.

A human girl.

"No kidding Raffie." I rolled my eyes and looked down at her. Without even thinking, I reached out to touch her hair and skin. She was so cold and her hair was soft. "I want her to be my friend. Let's take her home." I smiled at Raffie and he shook his head.

Leave her to rest in peace.

"But... I've always wanted a friend. What if she didn't want to die? I can give her another chance in life!" Raffie gave me a slight huff.

But you're going to need to modify her in order for her to live. What if she doesn't want that?

"Please Raffie! I won't need to ever come back here again, I just want a friend, please!"

Don't come crying to me if Lord Conway scolds you.

My face lit up immediately "Thank you Raffie!" I smiled as I hugged him. After that, I gently picked up the girl and laid her on Raffie's back before getting on. I smiled at the girl and put one hand on Raffie's reigns, the other holding onto the girl. My first ever friend!

Jellal's POV

Now I've lost everything. First, Erza. And now, Yuki. Have I still not atoned my sins? What do I do? Now I am truly alone in this world. Erza, Yuki. Forgive me.

??? POV

Little master, we have returned.

I stir a little as I open my eyes. Wait... open my eyes?! "Crap, Raffie, where's the girl?!" I panicked. Did I drop her? That's the worst thing I could ever do!

Stop fretting so much. You dropped her but I caught her. She's safe. Evelyn has taken her to the regeneration room, awaiting your orders. You should probably hurry.

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